Topics in Transition
Goals and Grid
Present Ed Levels
Super Bowl Olympic
Alignment of the IEP is needed in these 4 areas

Specific Student Needs, Present Educational Levels, Transition Grid, MAGs-SDI-Related Service


These are the 3 areas that must be addressed in the transition grid

Education/Training, Employment, Independent Living


In the present levels section this documentation or data is needed to show connections to current post-secondary transition goals 

Transition assessments, interest surveys, preference surveys explaining what the student would like to do with their future

This is where the Eagles practiced a play that stole the show in the 2018 Superbowl the night before the game
What is the hotel ballroom
This is evidence used to show a student was invited to their transition meeting

Name on IEP participation pg and Transition Review on Invitation to parents/students


3 examples of activities on the grid to be completed by the student and IEP team.

Participation in post-secondary activities (fairs, visits, disability services contact…), career exploration, job shadowing, OVR contact, community based instruction, hobbies/school activities, etc…


To achieve the identified post-secondary goals (in the grid) these are the skills and knowledge gathered to attain the academic goals for that school year (services)

Age-appropriate academic and functional skill assessments and their interpretation of the assessment outcomes

This is the name of the most decorated winter Olympian with 8 medals.
Who is Apollo Anton Ohno?

Agency consideration is shared at every IEP meeting. This is the evidence in the document to show this was discussed at the meeting 

IEP includes information about agency involvement or representatives were invited with permission and parents were provided with info about agencies


These are the 3 levels of criteria should be included in the IEP goal regarding the student’s performance

What are: Level of performance (how well), Level of times needed to demonstrate master (how consistently), Evaluation schedule (how often)


This is evidence would you include in the IEP that shows the post-secondary education goals were updated from the previous year?

Information from new/different assessments, statements made about new interests, job trainer input, career exploration

This is who sang the national anthem at the 2018 Super Bowl.
Who is Pink?
This is the reason No or N/A does not belong in the IEP

Because all aspects of transition can be appropriate for all 

These are what the services are targeting on the transition grid
What are IEP goals

These are types of transition assessments could/should be included in the present education levels section 

Current and future employment ( work readiness, temperament, personality, prevocational skills), Education/Training (academic, learning styles, accommodations, career cruising, bridges, casey’s life story…), Independent Living (self-awareness, determination, advocacy)

This is the offer Adam Rippon turned down at the Olympics
A position with NBC for the second week of the Olympics.
This element of agency involvement is not permitted in the IEP due for effective practice due to early outreach programs
Agency involvement is "not age appropriate"

To be considered as courses of study these 3 areas of evidence need to be included on the grid 

The courses need to be listed by name in the LEA’s program, courses need to align with the student’s post-secondary goals, courses must accurately reflect student’s current schedule


Name 3 out of 4 assessments that should be in the present education levels area to show academic and functional sills.

Summative, Benchmark, Diagnostic, Formative, Functional skill assessments (behavior, job training…)

These are the only 2 countries south of the equator to have earned winter olympics medals
Australia and New Zealand