What Indicator
Which Indicator
This Indicator
That Indicator
6:30 - 8:30
What is Arrival/Departure?
Sparks, soccer, basketball, tag.
What is Physical Activity?
Staff may ask participants to recall factual information, make generalizations, inferences or real-world applications based on what they have learned.
What is Debrief/Check for Understanding?
All frontline staff have a clear role in the success of the activities they co-facilitate and are actively engaged throughout all activities.
What is Staff Engagement?
Anderson, FDR, Green, Mitchell, Rogers, Twain, and Smith.
What is AM RAP?
Program creates a spirit of community and pride amongst all youth through: daily shared traditions, cheers, competitions, team designations and awards for positive actions or attitudes.
What is program spirit?
Over the course of the program, all youth have the opportunity to make major decisions, based on their interest, which impact what and how they learn in the program.
What is youth voice?
In all structured activities, staff communicates daily learning objectives at the group or program level that are connected to youth outcome goals.
What are daily learning objectives?
Staff sets expectations for activities by consistently framing and focusing the activity.
What are clear expectations?
Bring these every Thursday whether we have a meeting or not.
What are the attendance rosters.
All activities show evidence of a detailed lesson plan and begin and end on time. Materials are prepared in advance and easily accessible to all youth.
What is advance planning?
Most activities show a blend of large group, small group and individualized instruction that is planned in advance. Transitions between groupings are smooth for both youth and staff.
What is multiple grouping strategies?
The average program activity has an adult to youth ratio of 1:20 or more.
What is Adult to Youth Ratio ?
Physical environment promotes creative thinking and exploration. Activity space set-up is different from a traditional classroom, with furniture arranged to create and intimate, interactive environment. Activity spaces are named in relation to the theme or goals of the program. Decorations are youth-driven and thematic.
What is a physical environment?
Be respectful, be responsible, be safe and be brilliant?
What are the R.A.P agreements?
Presentation and sharing youth work is a regular part of activities. Program projects and activities lead to a tangible end product that reflects the work of youth over the course of the summer.
What is youth-produced work?
Most activities foster creative development and allow youth to choose active or artistic expressions to convey ideas and build skills. Creative activities are tied to age appropriate skills and learning comprehension.
What is creative thinking?
Most activities are intentionally lined to age-appropriate academic and developmental skills and work to build subject matter expertise and skill mastery through deep analysis of a subject or idea.Measures wind speed
What is skill building?
Program and activities show a full integration to promote social or emotional growth. All staff leads integrated throughout the day.
What is Integration of Academic and Developmental Focus?
RAP is a place where we realize our amazing potential and go beyond! To provide abundant opportunities and experiences for all.
What is the Vision and Mission statement?
Most activities involve a hands-on, kinesthetic or project-based component that allow youth to engage in in-depth investigations with objects, material, phenomena and ideas and draw meaning and understanding from those experiences.
What is inquiry base learning?
Program environment is characterized by mutual care and respect between all staff and all youth. (e.g. all staff demonstrate caring for all participants through warm tones and facial expressions. Staff recognize unique talents, qualities and experiences of all youth that create and emotionally safe and inclusive environment. Youth respond with respect and care.)
What is staff/youth interactions?
All staff use positive reinforcement movement toward specific group or individual goals in all activities. Positive reinforcement to recognize movement toward specific group or individual goals in all activities. Positive reinforcement highlights specific behavior rather than praising or calling attention to a particular participant doing the behaving.
What is positive reinforcement?
Program environment is characterized by an intentional, consistent behavior of leadership style led by both staff and youth throughout the entire program day. Staff and youth hold each other accountable to a jointly developed behavioral contract that defines positive behaviors expectations and consequences. Staff and youth consistently demonstrate how the contract is applied and what it looks like in practice.
What is behavior management?
Most activities promote collaborative learning among youth. Successful completion requires youth to work together to produce a product or display of their shared learning.
What is collaborative learning?