Important Dates
Native Americans' War of Independence
Northwest Indian War
Treaty of Greenville

The fighting between the British and the American rebels ended in this year.

A. 1777

B. 1778

C. 1781

D. 1783

The fighting ended in 1781 after the British surrendered to Washington's army in Yorktown.


True or False:

Native Americans were kept in mind while at the Peace of Paris.



True or False:

After the Treaty of Paris, the British abandoned the Native Americans.

False, they continued to trade guns and other European manufactured goods for native furs.


The treaty ended which war?

The Northwest Indian War was ended with the signing of the Treaty of Greenville.


In this year the Treaty of Paris was signed.

A. 1778

B. 1783

C. 1788

D. 1793

B. 1783


After the victory of this war in 1763, the British were behaving like conquerors in Native American country.

This happened after the French and Indian War.


Not all Native Americans agreed with the Treaty of Greenville, leading bloodshed to continue for this many more years.

A. 15

B. 20

C. 25

D. 30

B. 20


In this year, the treaty was signed.

A. 1783

B. 1787

C. 1795

D. 1902

C. 1795


Ohio became a state in this year.

D. 1803


General John Sullivan's troops burned down this many Iroquois towns in 1779.

They burnt down 40 towns.


As Wayne moved toward the Maumee River, the Native Americans prepared to attack him at an area known as this.

Thy prepared to attack at Fallen Timbers.


Some Native American leaders agreed to live on reservations in Ohio, also agreeing to this.

They would adopt Euro-American farming techniques and give up their traditional cultural practices.


In this year, George Washington dispatched General John Sullivan to conduct a scorched-earth campaign.

A. 1779


In 1778, the Delaware chief, White Eyes, led his people in the making of this treaty.

The Treaty of Fort Pitt was made, being the first Native American treaty made by the new nation.


After the Americans had multiple defeats, Anthony Wayne wanted to move his troops against the Native Americans immediately, but these two diseases stalled them.

Small pox and influenza weakened his men.


This person negotiated the treaty with the United States.

Chief Little Turtle of the Miami negotiated the treaty with the United States.


On this day in 1794, 1,500 Shawnee, Miami, Delaware, Ottawa, and Ojibwa led by Little Turtle attacked a supply train leaving Fort Recovery.

This happened on June 30th.


When the Americans resorted to selling Native American land, the Native Americans initially fought back, later turning to more subtle forms of resistance such as this.

(name at least two ways)

They compromised when they had no choice, adapted to changes, and preserved what they could of Native American life and culture.


During Harmar's Defeat, this many men were killed or missing.

183 men were lost, declared dead or missing.


This group of people were targeted by Ohio militias.

Any Native American who rejected the Treaty of Greenville was targeted.
