These types of marine gardens are coming back, providing a great food source
What are clam gardens
This was a natural resource tribes of the Northwest Coast used to make totem poles, shelters, and clothing.
What is cedar wood
How long treaties last
What is forever
These animals have a complex social structure
What are Orcas
This tribe is located at the most northwest tip of Washington
Who is Makah
This fish is a staple in Coast Salish diets
What is Salmon
This animal was hunted for its meat and also for leather to make clothes
What are Deer
This informal language was used during treaty negotiations in the PNW
What is Chinook jargon
These marine animals have fossils that predate dionaurs
What are Lampray
This tribe has a deep culture with Orcas and whaling
Who is Lummi
This gathering is part of the tribal tradition of the Columbia Basin
What is First almo Feast
Large harpoons with floats made of this animals skin
What are Seals
This is where the treaty negotiations were held for Nisqually, Puallup, and Squaxin Island tribes
Where is Medicince Creek
This marine vegetation is used for fertilizing plants and trees
What is seaweed
This tribe's land is where Olympia, WA stands today
Who are Squaxin Island
This species of salmon has a red hue during spawning
What is Sockeye
The shell of this molusc is used to fertilized clam gardens
What are oysters
As a result of the treaty the Nisually tribe had no access to this
What are rivers or prairies
Reason the Salish Sea Orca population is in decline
What is fishing and low food source from dams
This tribe's name translates to people of the grass country
Who are Nisqually
What is 1999
This method of preserving food was often used by Coast Salish people
What is smokig or drying
Tribes suffered from these diseases. name at least two
Smallpox, tuberculosis, influenza and whooping cough
Salmon are this kind of fish, meaning they can migrate from salt to fresh water
What is anadromous
This tribe, situated near the Hood Canal reestablishing tidal flow to their estuary
Who are Skokomish