SF's Indigenous People

True or False: Columbus was the 1st person to find the land that is now the United States of America

FALSE! Columbus never actually even stepped foot in North America, the closest being the Caribbean. Before him was Amerigo Vespucci, Leif Erikson, and possibly other "explorers". And of course Before all of them, came the Indigenous people's of the Americas. 


What does "indigenous" mean, in your own words?

originating or occurring naturally in a particular place; native.

"the indigenous peoples of Siberia"

synonyms:native, original, aboriginal, autochthonous; 

local, domestic, homegrown; 

earliest, first

"indigenous species"


What's the name of the Indigenous People that lived in San Francisco?

the Ohlone


Who is Talky the Rocky?

Our garden Mascot! Look for them next time your in the garden


T or F: Columbus was a nice guy that just wanted to sail the ocean blue!

False! Columbus came to the Caribbean in part to get gold and bring back slaves to Spain. He and his crew enslaved, tortured, and killed hundreds to thousands of Native people. 


T or F: It's okay to call Indigenous Americans "Indians".

False! Native American is the proper term. Unless a Native American says otherwise about how they wish to be referred, it's considered rude to call them "Indians". 


the Ohlone traditionally got their food from this type of lifestyle. (Hint, it's not agriculture). 

 hunting, fishing, and gathering.


What was the chemical name for the slime activator?



T or F: 56 years after Columbus's first voyage, only 500 out of 300,000 Natives remained on Hispaniola

True: By then, most of the Native people had either been killed or committed suicide to avoid the tortures of the Spanish Conquistadors


T or F: Native American's envied the European way of life and gave their land away to the European colonizers so that they could acquire a European lifestyle. 

False! Massacres (Guns), treaty trickery, European diseases, forced labor, and religious indoctrination killed many Native Americans (~20 million) and largely destroyed their traditional way of life. 


T or F: Prior to Spanish contact, the Ohlone formed about 50 different tribal nations, with between 50 to 500 members each



Who, or what, are the "3 Sisters"?

Corn, Beans, and Squash! In many Native American traditions, these three plants are grown together because they have an almost symbiotic relationship


What is the name of the people indigenous to Hispaniola? 

the Arawak (more specifically the Taino)


T or F: Present-day Native American's have all been given reparations and live on reservations located on their ancestral lands

False! While some Native Americans have been given reparations to some extent, they do not equate to what they have lost and have to endure. Furthermore, many Tribes/Nations have never received any reparations or been given land for a reservation. Reservations are often on poor land that the US did not want anyways. 


T or F: At their biggest, the Ohlone Nation had 5,000 people on lands stretching from the San Francisco Bay to Sacramento

False! There were as many as 15,000 Ohlone on lands stretching from the San Francisco Bay to Big Sur (Monterey area)


Describe why the 3 Sister's are helpful to one another?

Corn provides a tall stalk for beans to climb u; beans supply the much needed nitrogen for corn, and squash protects the corn and beans from pests with it's broad leaves and spiky vine. They are also delicious n' nutritious!


T or F: The Costanoan Rumsen Carmel Tribe are now the largest present-day Ohlone group in California, with about 2,000 people living in the Pomona area east of Los Angeles.

