Indigenous People
Indigenous Peoples' Day
Miscellaneous Info
Columbus Day
Christopher Columbus

This famous native woman was daughter of the Powhatan chief and is noted for her association with the Jamestown settlement.

Hint: Think Disney

Who is Pocahontas?

(Pocahontas was much younger than depicted during the events of the Disney movie, she was actually probably 11 or 12)


The day designated as Indigenous Peoples' Day in the United States every year.

What is the second Monday of October?


Another term for the Indigenous people of the Americas

What is Native American or Indian?

(The term "American Indian" is controversial and many native people consider it offensive. The term originated with Christopher Columbus when he thought he had landed in India.)


The day designated as Columbus day in the United States every year.

What is the second Monday of October?


The year Christopher Columbus sailed the ocean blue.

What is 1492?


The name of the monument still being constructed in South Dakota depicting a warrior from the Oglala Lakota tribe.

What is Crazy Horse Memorial?

(The monument has been in progress since 1948 and would become the world's second tallest statue upon completion. However, the monument is a bit controversial among the Lakota people)


The first city to celebrate Indigenous Peoples' Day instead of Columbus Day.

What is Berkeley, California?

(It was instituted in 1992 on the 500th anniversary of the arrival of Columbus)


The main reason many object to the celebration of Columbus Day.

What is the past and continued struggles of indigenous people that resulted from Columbus and the subsequent colonization of the Americas?


Celebrations of Columbus Day were initially about this.

What is Italian heritage and pride?

(Columbus Day started gaining popularity during a time when Italian immigrants in the U.S. were being discriminated against and even lynched)


Christopher Columbus' place of birth.

What is The Republic of Genoa (modern day Italy)?


Scholars estimate that indigenous populations decreased by up to this percentage within the first centuries of European colonization.

What is 90%?

(The majority of these deaths were due to the diseases that colonizers brought with them)


The number of states in the U.S. that recognize Indigenous Peoples' Day as a state holiday.

What is 19? 

(Wisconsin is one of the 19 as of 2019, Washington DC also recognizes it)

(8 of these 20 celebrate it instead of Columbus Day)


The number of voyages that Columbus made to the Americas

What is 4?

(Columbus only made it to mainland Central and South America on his third and forth trips)


The year Columbus Day was first recognized as a federal holiday.

What is 1971?

(Some states and municipalities abstain from the holiday)


Where Columbus was trying to get to on his famous journey.

What is India?


The number of distinct tribes scholars estimate to have existed in the United States before colonization.

What is over 1,000?

(Today there are 574 nationally recognized Native American tribes)


This U.S. President was the first to formally commemorate Indigenous Peoples' Day with a presidential proclamation.

Who is Joe Biden?

(He issued the proclamation in 2021)


The estimated percentage of the current population of the United States with at least partial Indigenous ancestry.

What is 2.9% (around 9.6 million people)?

(An estimated 1.1% of the U.S. population are full blooded Native Americans)


The city that claims the oldest continuously existing celebration of Columbus Day.

What is San Francisco, California?

(The local Italian-American community has held a parade every year since 1868)


Cristopher Columbus' reasoning for why his journey would be possible, which conflicted with most scholars' beliefs at the time.

What is that the Earth was much smaller than had been theorized?


The number of Native American reservations in the United States today.

What is 326?


The year the United Nations declared August 9th the International Day of the World's Indigenous Peoples. 

What is 2003?

(This holiday has been recognized and celebrated by the U.N. every year since. There are Indigenous communities in countries throughout the world. Other Indigenous groups of the world include but are not limited to: Aboriginals of Australia, the Sámi of the Nordic countries, Incas of South America, and the Sherpa people of Nepal)


This name refers to the Indigenous tribes of the Great Lakes region

What is the Anishinaabe?

(The tribes of the Anishinaabe are: Ojibwe, Chippewa, Odawa, Potawatomi, Algonquin, Saulteaux, Nipissing, and Mississauga First Nations)


The date that Christopher Columbus arrived in the Americas.

What is October 12th, 1492?

(Initially the holiday was celebrated on the 12th each year but it was later changed)


Where Columbus actually landed at the end of his famous journey.

What is Guanahaní (an island in the Bahamas)?

(Christopher Columbus never set foot in present day USA and spent the rest of his life claiming that he had reached Asia on his journey)
