Nature of work
Changing work patterns
Structures that support individuals in the workplace
Maintaining Work and Life balance
Youth Employment
Reasons people work

to meet specific needs, economic, value and status


how many social factors are there that lead to changing work patterns



What is a right of an employee in the workplace?

1.Feel safe in the working environment 

2.Work in an environment free from discrimination/harassment 

3.Leave entitlements  

4.Receive training and services to complete their job safely 


What are 5 examples of personal commitments and interests?

Work, leadership, parenting and caring, volunteering, religion, recreation, studying, hobbies


Factors contributing to youth unemployment

school/study, lack of skills, unmotivated


how can paid work satisfy safety and security need?

* Provides emotional security of a regular income to provide for self and family

* Some jobs increase risk of injury such as working in a war zone or construction work. ‘Danger money’ is offered to compensate for this.


what are the social factors leading to changing work patterns

  • education/retraining

  • technology

  • employment/unemployment

  •  perceptions of gender

  •  family circumstances, including structural change

  • government policy

  •  Economics


What are two responsibilities of an employee in the workplace?

1.Work together with employer and other employees to maintain safe working environment 

2.Give notice when intending to leave 

3.Maintain reasonable work ethic 

4.Disclose information that may put themselves, others or the business at risk 


What is the acronym to remember "individual strategies for managing multiple roles??



3 steps taken to prepare and plan for a career

study, training and hands-on experience, marketing yourself


how can unpaid work satisfy sense of identity?

The opportunity for self-discovery or life-changing experience through volunteer work is ever-present


what changes in technology cause a change in work patterns?

  • computers

  • automation/robotics

  • research and development


What are the workplace structures?

Legislation, work conditions, Trade unions, flexible work patterns and practices 

Workplace culture, leave entitlements 


If a new mother decides to put her 18 month old son in day care provided by her work, what type of strategy is she utilising to assist in managing what types of roles?

Utilising workplace structures to manage her multiple roles of work and parenting


Is youth unemployment increasing or decreasing?

Decreasing (8%)


3 examples of how status can be perceived through work

1. Employed/unemployed

2. the level they are employed at eg the CEO

3.their work pattern FT vs PT

4.their level of education required for their job EG doctors vs checkout assistant

5.the salary or wage they earn


 identify two family circumstances  that can cause a change in work patterns

  •  death within the family

  • pregnancy/ birth of a child 

  • Unexpected care for an unwell family member/ partner 


 List 5 of the flexible working practices

1.Flexible start and finish times 

2.Flexible rostering 

3.Flexible leave arrangements 

4.Rostered days off 

5.Job share, working remotely and part time options 


What are the 5 strategies that can help individuals manage multiple roles?

Managing resources

Accessing support

Negotiating and sharing roles

Utilising workplace structures



What are the predominant patterns of work of young people?  

Seasonal (Christmas), Casual, part-time.


two major reasons why work is valued.

The satisfaction needs of others. Work also gives a sense of purpose and satisfaction.

The social benefits that come from the payment of taxes that allow for the providence of infrastructure (for the Government)


how can education and retraining increased an individuals ability to work in a full time work pattern?

The levels of individuals completing the HSC and then attending higher education has risen as the competition for employment has grown, consequently, this has increased full-time employment.


What is one right and one responsibility of an employer at a childcare business?

Rights: employers are entitled to be safe in the workplace.

Responsibilities: are obliged to make sure that all staff have WWCC and provide appropriate duty of care.


What are 3 examples of why teenagers would utilise workplace structures to manage multiple roles?

A teenager currently doing their HSC may need to negotiate and share their roles to work less hours in order to manage their study. A teenager may need to access support including counselling to manage their psychological wellbeing to manage their role of studying, hobbies and recreation.


4 rights of youth in the workplace

must be paid in money, prior to accepting the job they must know the duties of the job, rate of pay, work pattern
