What is American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities?
The interpretation of situations, actions, or data based on the standards of one's own culture.
What is Cultural Bias?
The individual meets the standards of maturation, and social responsibility that are expected for the age level.
What is Adaptive Behavior?
Individuals with mild intellectual disability approximate IQ measure.
What is 55-70?
Era were newborns being examined and being thrown off a cliff to die just because they were thought to be defective or inferior.
What is Early Civilizations?
Consequences of disease processes or biological defects.
What is Etiological perspectives?
The ability to adjust one's thinking from old situations to new situations.
What is flexibility in IQ scores?
Assessment Tools
What is AAMR adaptive behavior scale-school, AAMR adaptive behavior scale- residential and community, and AAIDD diagnostic adaptive behavior?
Individuals with an approximate measured IQ of 25-40.
What is 25-40?
Era where individuals with an intellectual disability sent to prison because they were perceived to be dangerous and intolerable
What is The Middle Ages?
Classification based on IQ score.
What is Intellectual Deficits?
When more importance or attention is given to something than is necessary.
What is overemphasis on IQ scores?
Measures skills and abilities necessary to perform daily living tasks and to participate in social activities.
What is AAMR adaptive Behavior Scale-Residential and Community?
Social and Behavioral Characteristics of individuals with Intellectual Disabilities.
What is poor interpersonal skills?
Era the first school in Paris for the education of children with intellectual disabilities established.
What is Early Optimism (early 19th century)?
Use of outdated terms to distinguish a children's level of ability to learn academic or employment skills.
What is Educational Perspectives?
Wechsler Intelligence Scale for children
Stanford- Binet Intelligence Scale
What is assessment tools?
Measures some aspects of adaptive behavior that are not currently measured by other standardized instruments.
What is AAIDD Diagnostic Adaptive Behavior Scale?
Knowledge acquired in one context with difficulty transferring the knowledge to a new or different setting.
What is Generalization?
Era where institutions become permanent residences for people with intellectual disabilities.
What is Protection and Pessimism (late 19th/ early 20th centuries)?
An emphasis on the level of support that an individual needs rather than an IQ score.
What is levels of support?
Down syndrome, Genetic Condition, and Birth Defects.
What are examples of potential problems?
A cognitive evaluation system designed for use by children with cognitive disabilities, autism, or behavior problems.
What is AAMR Adaptive Behavior Scale-School
Braille playing cards, pencil grips, calculators, Ipad, and Speech-to-text.
What is examples of assistive technology devices?
Years that marked the beginning of an era of national concern for the rights of individuals, aided by the actions of President Kennedy.
What is 1960s and 1970s?