The name of the historic Caribbean festival that has been running in Toronto since 1967
What is the Toronto Caribbean Carnival, formerly known as Caribana
This type of Music is not named after the delicious food of with the same name
What is Chutney
What are briefs?
This common street food is made with two baras and filled with channa (curried chickpeas) and various chutneys.
What are Doubles?
Which came first Hollywood or Bollywood?
What is Bollywood?
This Festival of Lights is celebrated by Hindus around the world
What is Diwali?
Fill in the blank:
She wants a Dhal ____ Indian
What is Belly
"Lime" sometime spelled "lyme"
What is Chilling/Hanging
This Golden Lentil dish loves to be served with rice or roti
What is Dhal?
What is the name of the organization hosting this event?
What is The Indo-Caribbean Canadian Association ("ICCA")?
This Cool-sounding word considered to be pejorative, was used to refer to Caribbeans of Indian descent
What is "Coolie"
This word can refer to either a certain name brand drink or a type of music
What is Soca?
What is Angry or upset with rage?
The placement of this term has sparked many debates/fights between Indo-Caribbeans (especially between persons from Guyana and Trinidad)
What is Curry?
The name of this drink can also refer to someone who is out of shape (or just drinks too many of the drink)
What is Chubby?
This Country has the largest diaspora (members of its population living outside of the country) in the world
What is Guyana?
This instrument used in many classic or religious songs is the brown version of a Piano
What is a harmonium?
What is to Chat?
This delicious condiment made from fruit (often mango), vinegar, peppers, salt and mustard oil
What is Achar?
Which of the following is not one of the most common last name in an Indo-Caribbean Nation:
- Mohammed
- Singh
- Persaud
What is Singh?
Due to it's unique history this country's official language is Dutch
What is Suriname?
This type of music group/band is lead by a "cutter" or "cut-man".
What is Tassa?
This part of the body people "kiss" and sometimes "skin" (100 bonus point if you do both)
What is teeth?
This liquid is made from the technically poisonous cassava root
What is Cassareep?
This Caribbean nation was almost part of Canada
What is Jamaica?