Traditionally, this is the initial design submittal stage.
What is Stage 1?
This is the initial step in utility coordination.
What is sending an initial notice.
This report is required for nearly every project that leaves the pavement.
What is the Waters of the U.S. Report?
This is when the geotechnical engineering begins.
What is after Stage 1 Plans are submitted.
This is the purpose of the location control route survey.
What is to show the centerline of proposed improvements?
This meeting is held within two weeks after designer selection.
What is a scoping meeting?
This is when the utility coordination should start.
What is after the engineer's assessment (or as early as possible)?
This is what NEPA stands for.
What is the National Environmental Policy Act?
This is the type of road classification that determines if a road is major or minor.
What is functional classification?
This is the process of preparing parcels documents and right-of-way plans.
What is right-of-way engineering?
This is the first step in the project development process.
What is designer selection?
This person signs the utility certification.
This section of the NHPA protects historic properties.
What is Section 106?
This type of recommendation is crucial in both geotechnical engineering and bridge design to ensure the stability and load-bearing capacity of the structure.
What are foundation recommendations?
This is the challenge that can occur if right-of-way acquisition starts too late.
What is design revisions, alignment revisions, or contract/NTP delay.
This many certifications should be obtained prior to Final Tracings.
What is all?
This is how long railroad coordination can take.
What is up to 420 days (may be longer)?
This section of the U.S. Department of Transportation Act protects historic sites and parks.
What is Section 4(f)?
These should be secured prior to design approval.
What are design exceptions?
This is the type of benchmark used for vertical control.
What are temporary benchmarks (TBMs)?
This is the last phase of the design development process.
What is Ready for Contracts (RFC)?
This is when utility and railroad coordination end?
When the project is complete?
This permit is required for work in a stream with a drainage area greater than 1 square mile (in an urban area, 50 sq mi in a rural area).
What is the Construction in Floodway Permit?
This is the area that must remain clear of obstructions.
What is the clear zone?
This is the document that certifies all parcels are secured, paid, and recorded.
What is the right-of-way certification letter?