what does a archeologist study
what is archeology
what is the popularity pyramid called
what is a hierarchy
where did the untouchables live
on the streets
what where the people on the top of the hierarchy
what is the brahmin
what is the Kshatriyas jobs
what is a warrior
what is someone who works in archeology
what is a archeologist
what where they the first to have
what is a sewer system
what where there houses made of
mud or clay bricks
what is the third from the top in the in the hierarchy
what is the viasya
what is the vaisyas jobs
what is a merchant,landowner
what do they research
what is archeology
they where one of the first civilizations to use ______ to survive
what is a river
where did the kings live
the citadel
what is the fourth from the top on the hierarchy
what is the sudra
what is the brahmins job
what is a priest
what do archeologist find
what is a bead or artifacts
what is the poorest of the poorest
the out cast or untouchable
where did the sudra live
indo aryans
what is the second from the top on the hierarchy
what is the Kshatriya
what is the sudras job
what is a commoner,peasant,servant
_______ study archeology
what is a archeologist
what mountain range is near them
what is the Himalayas
what was included in there houses
there where wells and bathrooms
name the hierarchy from top to bottom
it goes brahmin,Kshatriya,vaishya,sudra BONUS untouchable
what is the out cast job
they do not have a job