This caused things to change in the US, an idea from Great Britain. It replaced hand tools (making things by hand) to making things with machines.
What is the Industrial Revolution?
Renewal of religious faith. Motivated many people to want to join reform efforts?
The Second Great Awakening
Free public education and trained teachers. This was changed due to this man.
Horace Mann
Frederick Douglas, William Lloyd Garrison, Sojourner Truth, Harriet Beecher Stowe, the Quakers, and more were examples of this.
Editor of the North Star abolitionist newspaper
Frederick Douglas
Invented by Eli Whitney. Made production of goods much faster and easier to repair.
interchangeable parts
Two innovations that allowed farmers to produce more food.
steel plow and mechanical reaper
The fight against slavery.
Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Lucretia Mott, Susan B. Anthony
Campaigned for women's rights
The U.S. developed this type of economic system, in which producers and consumers had freedom of choice. It encouraged competition and there was limited government involvement.
free enterprise
Allowed for faster long range communication.
the telegraph
It was thought that this innovation for removing seeds from cotton would decrease the need for slaves, but it did the exact opposite and increased the demand for cotton and for slave labor?
Cotton Gin
She helped with prison reform and care for the mentally ill and disabled?
Dorothea Dix
The goal of the Temperance Movement?
ban the consumption of alcohol
These innovations increased production of thread and cloth in textile factories?
Spinning Jenny and power loom
By the 1840s thousands of immigrants were coming to the US each year to take jobs in new factories. Why did so many Irish immigrants come to America?
The Irish potato famine
Growth of cities
New York painters who painted American landscapes
Hudson River School artists
Reformers who believed in a relationship between humans and nature. Ralph Waldo Emerson was one of the main activists for this.
Why did many Chinese migrate to the western U.S. in the mid-1800's?
California Gold Rush
These provided more efficient shipment of goods
railroads and steamboats
linked the Great Lakes to the Atlantic Ocean. Made New York City a major port city.
Erie Canal
She wrote the book, Uncle Tom's Cabin
Harriet Beecher Stowe
What is suffrage?
The right to vote
Who was known as the "Common Man's President from 1829-1837?
Andrew Jackson