Land, Labor, Capital
Graph (papers needed)
Inventors, Inventions and Improvements
Section 2
LAND includes these (i.e. water, coal and iron) from the Earth needed for power, strength and industrialization
What are natural resources?
It's where the inventor of Watt steam engine is from...
What is Scotland?

According to graph 1, what is correlated to the increased use of fossil fuels?

Extreme poverty

He is the inventor of a machine the sows seeds in neat rows and is largely responsible for the increase the food supply during agricultural revolution - Who is the Inventor and What is Invention
Who is Jethro Tull? - What is the Seed Drill?

The Industrial Revolution spread throughout this country before spreading to the world

What is Great Britain?


Life in factory towns was dirty. In fact, iron smelting in northwest England emitted so much pollution that the region was nicknamed THIS....

What is the "black-country."

A craft occupation performed in the home or small shop using hand tools or simple machines (i.e. weavers, matchbox makers)
What is a cottage industry?
The miners friend (invented by Newcomen in 1712) was designed to rid mines of this
What is water? Made to pump out water...

According to graph, after 1960 about what year does use of coal sharply decrease? What fuel appears to sharply increase at this point? 

Coal decreases about 2010. Natural Gas use sharply increases about this time.


The name of this inventor and his 1793 invention that caused the spike on graph below...

What is Eli Whitney's Cotton Gin?


In 1793, this man used his knowledge of Arkwright factory secrets to bring industrialization to Pawtucket, Rhode Island and the U.S.

Who is Samuel Slater


Daily Double - These groups in which individuals organized into a collective in order to obtain better working conditions, pay, hours and benefits.

For double points: What is another term for a work stoppage...

What are labor unions?

What is strike?

Wealthy farmers bought up and fenced off formerly common land and invested in research and development of new agricultural techniques after Parliament passed this act
What are the (I)nclosure Acts?
This fuel that will help power the first steam engines is the result of carboniferous era swamps and trees from millions of years ago
What is coal?

According to the graph which civilian occupation led  had the highest number of fatal work injuries?

Driver/sales workers and truck drivers

An American inventor who designed the first commercially successful steamboat; The Clermont
Who is Robert Fulton
This is the second European country to become fully industrialized
What is Belgium?

The American used system of manufacturing large numbers of identical items...

mass production

Lowell mills is multistory network of 40 brick buildings on six miles of canals. This Massachusetts factory employed 10,000 workers who were mostly these. Hint Beyonce refers to them (whoa-o-oh x2)
What are single females?
In 1813 a steamship went across this body for the first time
What is crossed the Atlantic?

True or False: According to the graph, an increase in cotton production allowed the US's reliance on slavery to decrease over time. 

False: With more cotton production the enslaved population continued to increase in the US.

What 1733 John Kay invention enabled workers to weave strands of cotton into cloth much more rapidly? One might say they flew through their work as a result.
What is the flying shuttle?
Although comparatively late to Europe, in 1868 this government brought industry to Japan.
What is the Meiji Government?

In this element of mass production, parts were put together by various workers in a factory. Each worker performed one step in the process, before the product moved on to the next worker. With this division of labor, workers can make many items quickly. Henry Ford used it to mass produce his Model T car, making it much cheaper.

Assembly line

Explosions, inhalation of dust, collapsing shafts and sheer hard labor were often experienced for these labors
Who are miners (coal & others)
In 1802 Richard Trevithick used a steam engine to power the first one of these... I know you'll really like it if you give it a chance now.
What is the first locomotive?

According to the graph which two occupations have the highest fatality rate per 100,000 workers. Name 1 and 2.

What is logging workers and fishing workers.

Arkwright's spinning frame is also known by this name. Its name is derived from what it was powered by in textile factories throughout England.
What is the water frame? - invented by Richard Arkwright
Provide two reasons for the delay of industrialization in parts of Europe
What are the French Revolution, Napoleonic Wars; Germany had no centralized government; Britain was the superior seapower and had prosperous colonies; Lack of Land, Labor and Capital, Britain kept knowledge of the factory's systems a secret etc...

What did the Luddites do one night in Nottingham, England in 1811?

Attacked textile factories, burning them and breaking the machinery within. 
