Causes of WWI
Industrial Revolution
Extreme pride in one's nation or state, often seen by the use of flags, national anthems and other signature items.
What is nationalism? LONG term cause of the war!
What was the Lusitania and what impact did it have on WWI?
Lusitania was British cruise liner sunk by a German U-Boat as part of unrestricted submarine warfare. This attack killed 128 Americans among the nearly 2,000 total death toll. This act angered the United States and is one of the two main reasons that the U.S. joins WWI.
List and give an example for each of the three factors of production.
What are land, labor, and capital? Land=rivers, coastline, harbors. Labor=supply of workers. Capital=banks, funds to help support financially.
The theory that the rich and powerful were better adapted to the social and economic climate of the time, and that it was natural, normal, and proper for the strong to thrive at the expense of the weak.
What is social Darwinism?
Explain how the Agricultural Revolution paved the way for the Industrial Revolution. What is an enclosure?
An enclosure was the consolidation of many small plots of land belonging to individual farmers into large areas owned and operated by one man. This allows for a surplus of families to move to the cities(urbanization) in search of work. Also, new technology such as crop rotation, the seed drill, and advancements in livestock care leads to a surplus of healthier food which allows for a more healthy population to grow which leads to the addition of more workers in society and allows means there is a greater need for products and goods.
The policy of glorifying military power and keeping an army prepared for war
What is militarism? LONG term cause of the war!
Give at least three examples of new technology that resulted from the industrial revolution.
What are: spinning jenny, spinning mule, railroad, steam engine, steam boat, factory system, etc.
The idea that it was the responsibility of the white men to colonize and rule other nations for the benefit of those people.
What is White Man's Burden?
An agreement between 2 or more countries to work together for the benefit of each country
What is an alliance? LONG term cause of the war!
A person who organizes and operates a business or businesses, taking on financial risk to do so.
What is an entrepreneur?
The historical event, or period, was the driving force behind European imperialism in Africa in the 19th century.
What is the industrial revolution?
The first area to undergo major industrialization.
What is Great Britain?
The deliberate murder of a high-ranking government official.
What is an assassination? SHORT term cause of the war!
the domination by one country over another in terms of political, economic, and social aspects.
What is imperialism? LONG term cause of the war!