The development that made the growth of cities possible
what is improvements in transportation?
The event in Chicago that ended in violence when a bomb was thrown in Haymarket Square. This event was a turning point in the public view of labor activism
What is the Haymarket Square bombing?
Distinct neighborhoods inhabited by specific immigrant groups in order to maintain their cultures
What are ethnic neighborhoods?
The pay for industrial laborers that was the cause of many unions and formation of activist groups
What is low Wages?
The idea that one can become successfull due to hard work instead of generational wealth
What is the "self made" man?
The nations first big buisness
What is railroads?
The national labor union which began as a secret society that advocated for labor reforms
Who are the Knights of labor?
The main cause of a huge population increase in the United States in the 19th century
What is immigration and migration?
The formation of a group of laborers from all states in attempt to organize all workers
What is the National Labor Union?
The belief that the "survival of the fittest" principle should be applied to capitalism
The creater of the telegraph
Who is Alexander Gram Bell?
The event in which factory workers protested against the palace car company, and eventually required intervention by the US army
What is the Pullman strike?
Cause of the first large migration of Asians to the United States
What is the Californian gold rush?
This was caused by laborers hard working conditions, low wages, and long hours
What is Labor discontent?
The economist who argued that letting buisness be guided by economic forces was more efficient than mercantillism policed by the government
Who is Adam Smith?
Thomas Edisons important contributions to science and industry
What is introducing the idea that working on projects as a team is more profitable than independently?
The revolt against railroad worker wages being cut, which took place on Baltimore and Ohio railroad but spread across 11 states
What was the great railroad strike of 1877?
Prodestant immigrants from Northern and Western Europe who had a high level of literacy and skills that made blending into American society easy
Who are "Old" immigrants from Europe?
The tactic used to break up unions by closing a factory
What is Lockout?
The belief that material wealth was a gift from god as a reward, which helped justify the gap between the poor and rich
What was protestant work ethic?
The invention that allowed for the development of mass produced meat and parishable items
What is refrigerated railroad cars?
The fight between steelworkers and Pinkerton guards, which required state milita intervention
What is the Homestead Strike?
Who are "New" immigrants from Europe
A contract that included as a condition of employment that workers could not join a labor union to prevent the growth of unions
What is Yellow-dog contracts?
The banker who took control over bankrupt railroad companies and sent 1/4 railroads into bankrupcy
Who is JP Morgan?