What are natural resources?
He was the captain of the oil industry.
Who is John D. Rockefeller?
Where did the people that came to build the railroad immigrate from?
What is Ireland and China
These were weak and ineffective, but this act was the first federal law to regulate giant corporations.
What is Sherman Antitrust Act of 1890?
The inventor of the telephone.
Who is Alexander Graham Bell?
The term for people coming to the U.S. from other countries which helped to dramatically grow America's population.
What is immigration?
The King of Steel.
Who is Andrew Carnegie?
Immigration played a crucial role in fueling industrialization. Name at least one way
What is providing a large and readily available workforce and aided in the rapid growth of factories?
The highest protective tariff in the nation’s history and expanded presidential authority in foreign trade..
What is The McKinley Tariff ?
This made possible long lasting electric light and was invented by Thomas Edison
What is the light bulb?
This mode of transportation connected America like never before and made shipping goods faster and cheaper while expanding consumer markets.
What are the railroads?
This man consolidated the railroad industry and made a crucial deal with Rockefeller.
Who is Cornelius Vanderbilt?
Immigrants who worked on the Union Pacific started at Omaha, NB, and hammered their way
What is westward?
He wrote book about the virtues of hard work would eventually pay off.
Who is Horatio Alger?
This man's company produced "the car for the common man."
Henry Ford
This was a famous railroad that connected the country from Sacramento, California to Omaha, Nebraska.
What is the Transcontinental Railroad?
This is a person who grows his industry or business by unethical means and ruthlessness.
What is a Robber Baron?
Immigrants often settled where?
What are urban areas, where factories and industries were concentrated, further contributing to the growth of cities.
When the idea of "survival of the fittest" is applied to human society.
What others saw as waste Rockefeller saw as gold. Name at lease one by product of oil or who it was sold.
What is paraffin to candle makers, petroleum jelly to medical supply companies or "waste" as paving materials for roads.
Where did the Central Pacific start in their eastward movement to finish the Continental Railroad line?
What is Sacramento CA?
This man financially backed Thomas Edison's company and his inventions.
Who is J.P. Morgan?
Many immigrants were driven by what factors in coming to the United States?
poverty, political unrest, and lack of opportunity in their home countries, seeking better lives
This term was first coined in 1873 in a book by Mark Twain.
What is the Gilded Age?
This new process allowed Andrew Carnegie to produce his steel much more quickly and cheaply.
What is the Bessemer Process.