the things people use to make their life easier (for example, a pencil)
What is technology
The ___________ helped trains and boats move faster.
What is the steam engine
What is transportation?
the methods we use to move people and goods
What does MANUFACTURE mean?
to make goods using labor and machines
What region of the country did industrialization happen most?
the time when countries developed new technology and began producing goods in factories (also the name of our unit!)
What is Industrialization
Name 2 new technologies during the time of industrialization
What is: steam engine, steamboat, railroads, spinning wheel, water wheel, loom
Name 2 kinds of transportation that changed during Industrialization
What is: steamboat and train
Small children had to work with machines in factories during the time of Industrialization
Sometimes Industrialization is called the Industrial Revolution. Why do you think it is called a "revolution?"
for example - a huge change with positive and negative effects, turning point in history, technology was changed forever
the building where people did labor with machines
What is factory
This invention made communication easier in the 19th century
What is telegraph
What were 2 kinds of transportation that people used BEFORE industrialization?
What is: horse-drawn wagon,, sail boat, walking
A __________ is a fabric or a material that is used to make clothes usually in factories
What is a textile
Why did one region of the country become more urbanized than other?
South was more agricultural, more farmland etc
North was more factory and industry based
the action of making something
What is production/manufacturing
The ________________ helped make cotton easier to sort and sell.
What is Cotton Gin
What was one positive effect of the railroads?
Mr. Pollard will decide if your answer is worth points!
BEFORE Industrialization, people used __________ to produce goods like clothes. AFTER Industrialization people used ___________ to produce goods like clothes.
BEFORE - by hand, manual AFTER - machines
From the perspective of a factory worker, was Industrialization POSITIVE or NEGATIVE? Why?
Negative - bad conditions in the factory, dangerous, long hours, no breaks for food, sickness, low pay
life in the city, opposite of rural
What is urban
Make a claim: What do you think was the most important invention during the time of Industrialization? Why?
Mr.Pollard will decide if your answer is worth 500 points!
DeWitt Clinton created the first of these manmade waterways to make shipping easier
What is a Canal
What was one positive effect of the change from production by hand to production in factories with machines? What was one negative effect?
Sra Vazquez will decide if your answer is worth 500 points!
Make a claim: Which area of change do you think had a more important effect on history - TRANSPORTATION or MANUFACTURE? Why?
Mr. Pollard will decide if your answer is worth 500 points!