What is a schema?
An image one uses to understand the world
What do infants experience when their mother leaves?
Separation anxiety
What is child abuse?
Child abuse is the mistreatment of children
What is Authoritarian parenting?
Parents control their child's behavior
What is Assimilation?
When you fit something into a schema
What is a critical period?
Where things are easily learned
What is the definition of Socialization?
What is the permissive parenting style?
Children have the final say
What is quantitative research?
Quantitative research is based around logic, numeric, and objective. Usually in black and white.
EX: Analyzing data
How long does it take for infants to develop attachments?
What are some prevention to child abuse? List 2
1. Parent education for abusive parents
2. Provide support system and resources
How many parenting styles are there?
Children understand and learn through what?
Accommodation and Assimilation
What was the experiment about with the monkeys?
The monkeys were put in an enclosure and they were shown a metal monkey who gave food and a cloth monkey who gave comfort. The monkeys' chose comfort over needs
List 3 causes of child abuse
1. Stressed/Overburden parents
2. Parents have unrealistic expectations
3. Abusive parents were abused as children
4. Sociocultural stress
5. Children who are more difficult to take care of (disabilities, etc.)
What effect does the democratic and authoritative parenting styles have
What is the name of the 4th stage of Cognitive Development?
Formal Operations (Can solve abstract ideas)
List 2 of the different attachments infants have
1. Secure attachment (no avoidance)
2. Avoidant attachment (avoid mom when leaves and returns
3. Resistant attachment (Not upset when leaves but upset when comes back
4. Disorganized attachment (Inconsistent behavior)
What must a child learn about the rules?
A child must learn that social rules aren't always clear and inflexible
When were the 3 parenting styles observed?