At what time period are babies able to eat thicker foods?
9 months
What does calcium help babies do?
Build strong bones and teeth
What are the three subtopics that have been discussed in this presentation?
Language, Physical, Social and Emotional
What signs will parents notice when the infant is around two months old?
These are 'good' bacteria that could help protect the baby from the 'bad' bacteria that would cause infection.
What are Probiotics?
A baby will be able to eat solid foods after they're at least ___ months old.
Babies will go through incredible ________ changes in a short amount of time.
What is one of the most important childhood activities that develops muscles in the neck, arms, and shoulders?
Tummy time
How would you know that your baby may be hungry?
This keeps the nerves and the brain cells healthy, along with also producing DNA.
What is Vitamin B12?
If foods are mashed, pureed, strained, or smooth in texture, it makes it _______ for babies to eat them.
How would a baby try to immediately communicate with you?
By swaying their legs and arms.
What will placing your baby on their back and gently moving their legs help improve?
Their flexibility and range of motion.
Why do newborn babies need plenty of food to eat?
Because they're at a stage where they are rapidly developing.
What is one thing you should avoid feeding your baby during their first twelve months? Why?
Cow Milk, since it does not have enough iron and contains too many substances that could cause harm to your child.
What are three things that a baby is able to eat during this time?
puffs, dry yogurt, cereal, fruit punches, soft fruits, baby food, powder milk, biscuits and juices
When babies modify the shapes of their mouths, it allows them to..?
A) Smile and Coo
B) Make Voweled Sounds
C) Sputter and Giggle
C) Sputter and Giggle
When placing an object for a baby, what good is it used for?
- develops your baby's grasping ability
- improve hand-eye coordination
- helps develop the muscles in their shoulders, arms, and hands.
When the baby is two years old, what are the foods that you should give them for a healthy diet? Give two examples.
The child should eat a variety of foods that you will see on Canada's Food Guide, mainly foods in high fibre such as, whole grain bread and cereal, vegetables, and fruits.
What are the seven things that nutrients can be as?
Calcium, Fat, Folate, Iron, Proteins, Carbohydrates, and Zinc.
What are two things that an infant will do PHYSICALLY during the twelfth month?
Puts objects in and out of containers
Places things on top of one another, such as building blocks
Gives objects to other people if asked
Will hold and try to use a spoon