Arrival Time
Choice Time
Rest Time

Relate Skills At Arrival Time

Make eye contact

Encourage waving

Provide a warm, verbal greeting


Think Skills at Choice Time

Narrate their exploration

Ask open-ended questions

Engage them with new objects and experiences


Move Skills at Mealtime

Talk about nutrition and healthy eating

Build grasping skills through holding a cup, spoon, or picking up small pieces of food.


Regulate at Rest Time

Assist children in soothing routines and when possible encourage self-soothing behaviors.

Have a predictable but flexible nap routine to help transition into sleep.


Communicate Skills During Diapering

Narrate your actions and the child's actions during a diaper change.


Think Skills at Arrival Time

Peak curiosity through the materials

Join them in play/exploration

Rotate items when they are no longer engaging


Communicate Skills at Choice Time

Read and look through books often

Have "conversations" while you play

Narrate their actions and yours


Regulate Skills at Mealtime

Describe their emotions "You're crying because you're hungry." or "You seen excited to have snack."

Use cues so that infants know what is coming such as singing a snack time song, or signing milk as you prepare a bottle.


Move Skills at Rest Time

Calm down and create body awareness with yoga before nap.

Promote autonomy and self-help skills with older infants by prompting them to help with the process, such as "Grab your pacifier for me."


Relate Skills During Diapering

Connect emotionally during this one-on-one time with eye contact, smiling, and a gentle approach.

Let them see you as a resource and explain that how you are helping them.


Communicate Skills at Arrival Time

Have "conversations" with infants

Draw their attention to their labeled name when putting away their belongings


Relate Skills at Choice Time

Respond to their play interests

Be in close proximity

Place them near one another


Think Skills at Mealtime

Allow them to explore their food through multiple senses.

Identify colors, textures, and count items at mealtime.


Relate Skills at Rest Time

Be attune to their individual cues of being sleepy and identify their signs of drowsiness.

Comfort them when they have difficulty sleeping.


Move Skills During Diapering

Promote autonomy by letting them (older infants) wipe their own hands or assist in taking off their own shirt.

Explain the healthy habit of washing hands.


Regulate Skills at Arrival Time

Be predictable and organized

Acknowledge emotions and show empathy


Move Skills at Choice Time

Organize toys close and far to get them reaching or crawling.

Take them outdoors


Relate Skills at Mealtime.

Be aware of their individual signs of hunger and satiety. 

Connect emotionally while feeding them through smiling, eye contact, and imitating their expressions.

Label their food preferences to build a sense of self.


Communicate Skills at Rest Time

Have story time before or after a nap.

Sing a song lullabies.

Narrate your own actions or theirs before or after a nap.


Think Skills During Diapering

Narrate the diaper routine to help them anticipate what's next.

Count and identify body parts.


Move Skills at Arrival Time

Promote healthy habits through narrating while washing hands.


Regulate Skills at Choice Time

Acknowledge their efforts

Provide encouragement and assistance

Focus their attention through active play


Communicate Skills at Mealtime

Label food items and describe them.

Have back-and-forth exchanges during meals, giving pause for them to respond in gestures and sounds.


Think Skills at Rest Time

Help them anticipate what's coming by narrating their rest routine. "I'm putting on the music to help you sleep." "Lets get in the rocking chair to help you go to bed."


Regulate Skills During Diapering

Describe their emotions before, during, and after a diaper change.

Model regulation skills by staying relaxed and engaged during the diaper change.
