Infectious agent, Reservoir, Portal of Exit, Mode of Transmission, Portal of Entry, Susceptible Host
What are the 6 links to the chain of infection?
When handling blood, body fluids, nonintact skin or soiled items.
What is when to wear gloves?
You do this before and after every patient interaction.
What is Hand Hygiene?
Urinary retention or obstruction; Accurate measurement of urinary output in CRITICALLY ill patient; Urinary incontinence in a patient with stage III or IV perineal or sacral pressure ulcer; To provide comfort for imminent death; Peri-operative use for selected surgical procedures; Immobility due to physical restraints; Epidural catheter still in place; Hemodynamic instability; Neurogenic bladder dysfunction; Gross hematuria in patients with potential clots (for irrigation)
What are indications for foley catheters?
What is the wrong way to wear PPE?
Things you follow to break the chain of infection.
What are infection control procedures?
This protects skin and prevents soiling of clothing when likely to be splashed or sprayed.
What is a gown?
What are acceptable ways to wash your hands?
What product is used for foley catheter care?
What is a dependent loop?
When infection can spread.
What is when all of the links are connected?
The place to properly dispose of sharps.
What is a designated closed container?
80% of infections are spread by these.
What are hands?
15 seconds immediately prior to each use with chlorhexadine or 70% alcohol pads.
What is how to scrub the port or hub?
What is the "loop of death," no curos cap?
Stops the infection from spreading.
What is breaking the chain at any point?
These protect mucous membranes of the eyes, nose and mouth when likely to be splashed.
What are masks and eye protection?
75,000 patients per year die from these.
What are hospital associated infections?
Chlorhexadine cloths from chin to toes.
What are patients with central lines bathed with daily?
What is used patient care items in the linen?
Hand hygiene.
What is the number one way to break the chain of infection?
The thing to properly do before donning and after donning PPE.
What is hand hygiene?
The #1 tool to minimize infection.
Always done before and after working with indwelling lines.
What is hand hygiene?
What is nothing is wrong, good hand hygiene?