Something acquired in a hospital that costs millions of dollars, can be life threatening, and can be avoided with prevention
What is Health-care associated infection (HAI)
Hand Hygiene after cdiff patient.
what is use soap and water?
The percentage of Pathogens are transmitted by touch.
What is 80%?
Before touching a patient, before clean/aseptic procedure, after body fluid exposure risk, after touching a patient, and after touching patient surroundings.
Treat everyone's blood and body fluids as if it is infections
What is standard precautions?
The single most important practice to reduce infectious agent transmission.
What is Hand Hygiene?
Perform daily CHG bathing, scrub the hub for no less than 5 seconds, and cover all ports with Curos caps, perform dressing changes with sterile technique and replace dressings that are wet, soiled, or dislodged; Physician daily review of line necessity.
What is the CLABSI prevention bundle
length of time to rub hands when using hand sanitizer.
what is until it dries?
Cough, bloody sputum, weight loss and night sweats, and an upper lobe infiltrate should prompt this thought
What is' "could it be TB?"
Should not be worn in the hallways
What is PPE
The most preventable type of HAI
Device associated infections
Only place if needed, keep sterile field when placed with a second nurse, Keep bag below bladder, ensure sterility of closed system, daily and as needed perineal care, use of securement device, empty urine bag at 400ml and prior to transport.
What is the CAUTI Prevention Bundle
An ISO droplet or airborne patient needs to be transported in the hallway PPE requirement.
what is put surgical mask on patient and wipe down bed?
At TVH, this person is responsible for preventing and controlling infections.
Who is every Healthcare Worker
precautions for a Patient that has diarrhea >3 loose stools in 24 hours without laxatives and been on IV ABX the past two weeks
what is special contact precautions?
The #1 way to avoid Device associated infections
what is removing the device/line
If you receive a urine culture order on a patient that is asymptomatic, what would you do? What are considered symptoms?
What is...
I would question the order and consult my charge nurse/manager/or ordering provider.
Fever, suprapubic pain, urgency/frequency, dysuria, hematuria
is an anaerobic spore forming bacteria that causes significant morbidity due to its ability to survive for SEVERAL MONTHS in its environment causing symtoms ranging from diarrhea, to pseudomembranous colitis, sepsis and death
What is Cdiff?
Central line assessments and charting needs.
What is dressing C/D/I, dressing date, tubing labeled, no reinforced tape, curos caps, patency, line necessity?
Precautions for a patient that has a weeping wound and you have orders for a MRSA swab
what is contact precautions?
Protect yourself from MDRO (Multi drug resistant organisms)
What is PPE
Obtaining a urine culture from an indwelling foley from home requires a replaced foley after how long
Before u/a
Artificial nails that are kept short, clean, and neat are acceptable.
No. Artificial nails are not allowed with direct patient care.
When the reactivation of a childhood viral disease results in vesicles that are not localized and appear outside the primary group of dorsal root ganglia (dermatome)< the manifestation may be considered disseminated and require the implementation of airborne precautions.
What is Herpes Zoster, Shingles?
precautions for a patient that is coughing and has a fever, pending flu results from lab
what is droplet precautions?