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This is change in hand hygiene is implemented when caring for patients with c. dificile.
What is Soap and Water Handwashing?
What are secret shoppers?
This is one method of assessing compliance with recommended hand hygiene compliance.
This occurs when the bacteria makes a home somewhere on or in the body, yet doesn't cause an immediate infection.
What is colonization?
These are patient care related events that should be reported to your Infection Control practitioner.
What are patients readmitted with post op infections, reportable communicalbe diseases and MDRO's?
This is the NPSG that prioritizes reducing the risk of hospital associated infections.
What is the 7th National Patient Safety Goal? (NPSG)
This recommendation is part of the CDC's Hand Hygiene Guidelines.
What are artificial nails?
These are three areas of surveillance monitored ongoing at MCMC.
What are Ventilator Associated Pneumonias, Central Line Associated Bloodstream Infections and Catheter Associated Urinary Tract Infections.
These microorganisms, predominantly bacteria, are resistant to one or more classes of antimicrobial agents.
What is an MDRO?
This policy is available on in intranet under Housewide Policies/Infection control and provides a reference for illness conditions in which you should not report to work.
What is the Work Restriction Guideline?
This will be implemented for staff who have not been fit tested for n-95's in the event of an influx of infectious patients requirng respiratoy isolation.
What is Just in Time fit testing?
This needs to be done daily when Room 431 is in use for negative air pressure.
What is daily smoke flume testing?
This is the committee ultimately responsible for the Infection Control and Surveillance program for MCMC.
What is the Performance Improvement Committee?
This acronym refers to a urinary tract infection in a patient who had an indwellling catether in place within 48 hours of the date when the first clinical evidence appeared.
What is CAUTI?
These are regulatory patient information handouts that are the responsibillty of the nurse to provide to patients and families.
What are Isolation Information for Patients and Visitors, FAQ's for Ventilator Associated Pneumonia, Catheter Associated Bloodstream Infections, MRSA and Surgical Site Infections?
This is the major means of communication in an emergency or disaster and also the primary source of policies and procedures for all MCMC staff.
What is the Intranet?
This category of isolation should be implemented for any patient admitted with active diarrhea.
What are Contact Enteric Precautions?
This statewide alert system provides immediate information regarding emerging commuicable diseases.
What is the Hospital Alert Network?
This acronym stands for Incident Command System, which would be activated should MCMC expect or experience an influx of infectious patients.
What is ICS?
Gloves, gowns, eyewear and masks are stocked and avaialable for all direct patient care staff. It is your responsiblity to wear it and MCMC's responsiblity to provide it in the approriate size.
What is PPE? FYI: The CDC currently takes no stand on whether visitors and families should wear PPE for paients in isolation. It would be prudent for them to wear masks for respiratory isolation and perhaps gowns and gloves if intimately involved in their care. Please remind all family and visitors to wash their hands upon entering and leaving the patient room.
The Central Line Insertion Procedure checklist lists the steps rquired for insertion of all central lines. It should be completed by the provider or assisting staff and forwarded to Infection Control.
What is the CLIP checklist?
This change made in handling equipment when patients are in isolation.
What is dedicated equipement?
This acronym stands for the evidence based benchmarks iwe monitor in an effort to reduce surgical site infections. These include preop hair removal by clipping, not shaving, preoperative anitbiotics administered within one hour before incision time, discontinuation of preop antibiotics and foley catheters within 24 hours post op, normothermia in the Recovery Room and blood glucose control.
What are SCIP measures?
What is PAPR?
This acronym stands for Power Activated Purifying Respirator, which is a respirator avaialablee at MCMC to be used in caring for patient with respiratory borne illnesses in lieu of a fit tested N-905 mask. What is PAPR?
The average percentage of direct patient care providers at MCMC who recieve an annual flu shot.
What is 49%? Have you had yours?
These are the three primary opportunites for Hand Hygiene.
What are before entering a patient room, after leaving a patient room and after removing gloves?