Scenarios... AGAIN

Dad said Jason could get a bike if he got all As and Bs on his report card this year. 

On the first day of summer, Jason took his new bike out for a ride. 

How did Jason get a bike? 

He earned it by getting all As and Bs in school.


When Cassandra strolled into the room, everyone immediately looked up from their desks. Cassandra looked at the time on her phone and felt her cheeks heat up. 

Why was she blushing?

Cassandra was probably late to class. She was embarrassed about making a mistake. Or maybe she was scared about getting in trouble. 


Why is the dog being scolded? 

He tore up a bunch of toilet paper and made a mess!


What is the woman feeling in this picture? 

She is uncomfortable because the man is too close to her. 

BONUS: What number behavior is the man demonstrating? (1, 2, 3, 4, or 5?)


Kate hand made heart shaped cards for all her classmates and attached a chocolate treat to each one. At school she passed them out. 

What day was it? 

Valentines Day! 


When Harper got home and looked in her bag, she realized she had probably left her Chromebook at school. 

Why did looking in her bag make Harper think about her Chromebook? 

Harper probably wanted to use her Chromebook. When she looked for it in her bag, she realized it wasn't there. 


What is the weather like? 



Why do most of the people look annoyed? 

The girl is talking on her phone in a movie theater, where it is rude to be loud/ on your phone. 

BONUS: What number behavior is the girl demonstrating? (1, 2, 3, 4, or 5?)


Tim told his friend that he and his family were going skiing over winter break. 

When the students returned to school in January, Tim was wearing a cast. 

What might have happened? 

Tim might have hurt his leg while skiing. 


Alfred said, "Max loves going on walks in the park! Sometimes, we play fetch, too."

Who is Max? 

Alfred's dog. 


What do you think happened to this person's hand? 

He probably cut it while slicing vegtables. 


What relationship do you think these two people have? 

They could be relatives, maybe mother and daughter. 

BONUS: What number behavior is the girl in blue deomstrating? (1, 2, 3, 4, or 5?)


Before leaving, Stephanie wrapped up in a fluffy coat and pulled on fleece-lined boots. 

What do you think she was expecting outside? 

The weather was probably cold/ windy/ snowy. 


Damien was hesitent to walk across the dirt field in his brand new white tennis shoes. 

Why didn't he want to walk through the dirt? 

He was worried his white shoes would get dirty. Especially since they are brand new. 


Why do you think the girl covered her eyes? 

Her friend told her to so she could surprise her! 


Why is the girl uncomfortable? 

The guys behing her are staring at her too much. 

BONUS: What number behavior are the men in the background demonstrating? (1, 2, 3, 4, or 5?)

While he was cooking dinner on the stove, Bruce's brother called him. It had been a while since they had talked. 

After Bruce hung up, he realized he would probably have to call for take out.


Bruce probably talked too long on the phone and dinner burned. He can't eat it now. 

BONUS: Why didn't Bruce just start over? What do you think would stop him?


When Barbra got to the restaurant at the time her friend told her to arrive, all the lights were off. She walked in and the lights suddenly went on and Barbra saw all her friends and family gathered together, smiling and looking excited. 

What do you think everyone said when the lights went on? 

SURPRISE! It was probably a surprise party for Barbra. 


Why do you think the woman in blue is upset? 

Her boyfriend is looking at another girl rudely, and he is doing it in front of her. 

BONUS: How could you tell the man and woman in blue are boyfriend and girlfriend? 


Richard's phone kept buzzing during his meeting. When he looked at it, he was annoyed. Why? 

His friend kept texting him when Richard couldn't respond. The Dude should have waited for Richard to respond. 

BONUS: What number behavior is Richard's friend demonstrating? (1, 2, 3, 4, or 5?)
