Infer this...
Can You Infer
Use the clues
Jada knew she had to make this shot. The whole game depended on her. She dribbled the ball and threw it. she closed her eyes and hoped she made it! What do you think is happening? How do you know?
She needs to make the shot to win the game. They are tied.
I'm getting married, but "keep it under your hat".
Don't tell anybody.

The mailbox outside the house is stuffed full. There are seven newspapers in the front lawn. There are no cars in the driveway. What can you infer?

The house is vacant/empty.

Mr. Johnson is wearing grey coveralls. Mr. Johnson has a set of thirty keys. Mr. Johnson is carrying a broom and dustpan. What does Mr. Johnson do?
Mr. Johnson is a janitor.
White flakes fell from the sky and covered the roads. She crawled out of bed and peeked out the window. Her eyes lit up when she realized she definitely wouldn't have school today. Why won't she have school today?
Snow day.
When we woke up the next morning we saw snapped trees and our neighbor's lawn chair in our backyard. We were thankful to be alive! What do you think happened? How do you know?
There was a storm. (tornado, possibly)
Don't forget to take your umbrella- it's "raining cats and dogs" out there.
it's pouring down raining.
Carolyn is having trouble keeping her balance on her bicycle. A heavy cloth bag full of paper hangs from her shoulders. Carolyn's hands are smeared with black ink. What can you infer?
Carolyn is delivering papers.
The porch light is on. There are many cars parked outside the house. Music can be heard from the back yard. What is going on?
There is a party.
The teacher glared at the kids and smacked her ruler on the desk. The kids stopped quickly and looked up, worry and shame coming over them. What do you infer that the kids are doing?
They are cheating on the test or playing.

The little boy climbed out, soaking wet! He began to feel chilly so he ran over to his mom for something that would help him. What did the little boy ask for? Why do you think so?

The little boy asked for a towel.

A friend? He's not a friend, but quite the opposite! He's a "pain in the neck".
A bothersome, annoying person.
The temperature has just dropped suddenly. The wind has increased in speed. A low rumbling noise can be heard in the distance. What can you infer?
There is a storm coming.
The refrigerator has an unpleasant odor coming from it. There are letters from the electric company piled on the table. The lights in the house will not turn on. What can you infer?
The electric is turned off.
The baby threw her peas over the edge of her chair and laughed as every last bit of veggies was licked off the floor. Her strawberries, however, went straight to her tummy! What can you infer from this?
The dog ate the peas that the baby threw on the floor. She ate the strawberries.
My legs trembled as I sat down in the small seat. The bars came over my shoulders, and I grasped them. As soon as I began moving, my eyes grew wide and I let out a scream! What is happening? How do you know?
They're on a roller coaster ride.
Will you kids stop "horsing around" and pay attention?
Playing around roughly.

Mr. Jones crosses his arms and frowns. Mr. Jones shifts his weight and sighs as he stand son the sidewalk in front of his apartment. Mr. Jones looks at his watch.

Mr. Jones is waiting for a ride that is late.

The store is unusually crowded. Outside of the store, a woman is collecting money. The store is decorated with red ribbon. What can you infer?
It's Christmas shopping/holiday shopping.
Tina's eyes grew larger as they turned the corner onto the street. It was the biggest house she had ever seen; much larger than her previous home. If she could make friends, she knew this would be a great new place to live. What can you infer from this?
Tina is moving into a new house.
All of the girls giggled while they painted their toenails. Next they would tell scary stories and eat popcorn before going to sleep. Where are they? How do you know?
At a sleepover.
Don't believe him. He's just "pulling your leg".
Tell someone something that is not true; joking around.
Julio is driving a classic Volkswagon Beetle with a "Bach to Basics" bumper sticker. Julio is wearing a black suit. In the back seat of his car is a violin case. What can you infer?
Julio is a musician and is going to perform.
Alfred is wearing dark sunglasses at night. Alfred is holding a German Shepherd's leash. Alfred is carrying a white cane. What can you infer?
Alfred is blind.
David worried when he handed his mom her report card. He carefully watched mom looking over the paper, and a feeling of relief swept over him and a smile spread across mom's face. Mom said "let's go get ice cream to celebrate!" Why was David worried? Why does mom want to get ice cream?
David didn't think his mom would approve of his grades. Mom is rewarding David for his report card.