Theme and Inferencing
Inference Investigations
Identifying Theme
Can You Infer
Using My Schema

What is theme?

The life lesson, author's message, or moral of a story

Alex was in a hurry to get home to watch football. He was driving over the speed limit when suddenly, he heard a siren and saw flashing lights, "No! Please not now," he thought. What do you think is happening? How do you know?
A police officer is pulling him over and he will get a speeding ticket. He will probably miss part of the football game that he wanted to watch.

Mrs. Smith was doing a unit on healthy living with her students. All week she taught her students about eating the correct foods like fruits and vegetables. Over the weekend, some of Mrs. Smith's students were at the mall and saw her eating pizza, a milkshake, and candy. Mrs. Smith's student Molly was going to order a salad, but now decided to order junk food too. What is the theme? 

A Actions speak louder than words 

B Never eat pizza at the mall 

C Vegetables are good for you

A.) Actions speak louder than words

Erick's mom is having a birthday party this weekend. He wants to do something special for her. Erick knows that his mom always wanted to go to the Grand Canyon. He turned on the computer and looked at the map. What is Erick doing? How do you know?
Erick is going to plan a trip to the Grand Canyon for his mom. Key words: mom always wanted to go to the Grand Canyon. and he looked at the map.
The door opened automatically as I entered. I took a cart and head to the dairy section. I took milk and eggs and went straight to the cashier. Where am I? a) train station b) grocery store c) doctor's office d) cafeteria
grocery store

True or False - Another term for the theme is "a life lesson"


There is a big storm today and it's going to last until tomorrow. Jimmy is supposed to pick up his friend Lily from the airport. Jimmy's phone was ringing and saw Lily's name. He picked up the phone and said, "Okay. Just inform me when you're arriving. Take care and be safe." What do you think Lily told Jimmy? How do you know?
Lily's flight got delayed and she won't be arriving until later, after the storm passes.

Julia wanted to become a doctor for as long as she could remember. In college when her friends were out at the mall or going out with friends, Julia spent all of her time studying. At graduation, Julia graduated with high honors and was offered a job shortly after. What is the theme?

A Studying is important.
B It is important to go to college.
C Hard work pays off.

C Hard work pays off.

"Kenneth!" Mom called out as she opened the front door. "Please help me with my groceries. Kenneth!" mom called out. Still there was no reply. Mom walked into the kitchen and saw the shattered pieces from the window all over the floor and a baseball not far from there. Why do you think Kenneth was not answering to his mom? Why do you think so?
Kenneth accidentally broke a window while he was outside playing baseball. He's not answering because he doesn't want to get into trouble.
The front desk informed me that I am next. I took my purse and went inside the room. I told the man wearing a white coat that I've been coughing for 3 days now. Where am I? a) dentist b) doctor's office c) park d) home
b) doctor's office

What is the difference between the main idea of a story and the theme of a story?

The main idea is mostly what the story is about (a short summary). The theme is the life lesson or moral that the author wants us to remember. It may have nothing to do with the details of the story itself.

I am very sticky, but hard to see when dry. I go round and round across the page until I eventually run out. If you stick with me, in one piece you will be. What am I?

Growing up, Sally was always in the shadow of her older sister Mary. Mary always got better grades, was better at sports, and seemed to even be prettier. Sally spent a lot of time in the family's garden feeling sorry for herself. Then one day Mary needed help on a science project about plants. Due to all of her time in the garden, Sally knew a lot about plants and was able help Mary with the project. Sally was shocked that she was better at something than her sister. What is the theme?

A. Accept yourself for who you are.
B Sports are not important
C You can learn a lot from plants.

A. Accept yourself for who you are.

Elizabeth was so proud of her garden. She planted the seeds early in the spring and watered the plants every morning. Last Friday, her mom called and asked her to come over for the weekend because she was feeling sick. When Elizabeth came back home, her plants were bent and drooping. Why were the plants drooping? How do you know?
She had not watered them for a few days, so the plants were not doing well.
My mom and I waited in line with the rest of the passengers. My mom handed the lady our tickets. The lady smiled at her and said, "Have a great flight!" Where am I? a) school b) bus stop c) train station d) airport
d) airport. key words: waiting in line, tickets, flight

What is an inference?

An idea or conclusion drawn from evidence and reasoning.

I am not a magician, but I make things disappear. I come in all shapes and sizes, but am most often found in pink. I can be a writer's best friend. What am I?

The Monkey and the Cookies A monkey put his hand into the jar of cookies. He grasped as many as he could possibly hold, but when he tried to pull his hand, he was prevented from doing so by the neck of the cookie jar. Unwilling to lose the cookies, and yet unable to withdraw his hand, he burst into tears and cried bitterly. What is the theme?

A Eating cookies can be dangerous.
B If you are greedy, you might get nothing.
C Don't put your hand in a jar.

B. If you are greedy, you might get nothing.

I pressed the button and after a few seconds the door opened. I stepped inside and pressed a button with the number 10 on it. The door closed. Then, I felt the floor was moving up. Where am I?
Splat! Splat! Splat! Everybody outside was using an umbrella. Though I don't like rain, I sill love the flowers it brings. I'm excited to pick the flowers once the rain stops. When is this? a) daytime/ spring b) daytime/ fall c) nighttime/ spring d) nighttime/ fall
a) daytime/ spring

True or False - We will always find out if our inferences are right by the end of the story.


Damien enjoys school but he thinks math is too difficult. He had a final test on Wednesday. Glen and his family went out to dinner on Friday. His family members kept telling him they are so proud of him. Why do you think they went out to dinner? How do you know?
Damien got a good grade on his math final test. His family members took him out to celebrate his good grades and congratulate him on studying hard.

One winter, a monkey found a snake stiff and frozen. The monkey felt sorry for the snake and so he picked the snake up and held it to his chest to try to warm it. The snake was quickly revived by the warmth, and because of its instincts, bit the monkey with all its might. What is the theme?

A Even though you have good intentions, others may not
B Don't hold snakes close to your chest.
C Snakes are dangerous.

A Even though you have good intentions, others may not

Dad and Anna were finishing up a project in the garage together. "Can we paint the roof red?" asked Anna. "Sure," said Dad. "Then when the paint dries we can find a place to hang it in the backyard." What do you think Dad and Anna are making? Why do you think so?
Dad and Anna are making a birdhouse.
Crunch! Crunch! Crunch! As I walk the street I was so amazed with what I am seeing -- yellow, orange, red, and brown. I've never seen colorful leaves on the ground before. When is this? a) spring b) fall c) summer d) winter