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Challenge Round
My legs trembled as I sat down in the small seat. The bars came over my shoulders, and I grasped them. As soon as I began moving, my eyes grew wide and I let out a scream! What is happening? How does this person feel?
What is going on an amusement ride. They feel scared, but excited.
It was 3:45 pm when he entered the house. The little boy looked sheepishly down at the ground. His mom answered the phone and said, "Hello Mrs. Gray, " he could see her face turn red and she clenched her teeth together. Then, she gave him a stern look. She couldn't believe what she was hearing. What do you think is happening? How does the mom feel?
What is the boy got in trouble at school. The mom is embarrassed and angry.
Dad began tapping his fingers on the table. His stomach growled and he looked at his watch. Mom fiddled with his straw and looked over to the other table. The kids began to whine. Why is dad looking at his watch? What are they waiting for? Where are they?
They are at a restaurant and it's taking a long time to get their food.
The teacher glared at the kids and smacked her ruler on the desk. The kids stopped quickly and looked up, worry and shame coming over them. She asked them to hand over their chrome books. What do you think the kids were doing? How do you think the teacher is feeling?
What is the kids were playing games on their chrome books instead of doing the assignment. The teacher is very frustrated.
There were 12 seconds left in the basketball game, and Carrie could see that only one player stood between her and the basket. Carrie skillfully dribbled the ball around her opponent and set up for the perfect shot. What probably happened next? A. Carrie scored. B. The other player took the ball from Carrie. C. Carrie called a time out. D. The other team scored.
What is A.
Annabel carried her doll wherever she went. It was dirty and was missing its left ear, but she didn't care! No other doll could replace this one. How does Annabel feel about her doll? How would Annabel feel if she lost her doll?
What is she loves her doll and it's her source of security. She would feel sad and lost without it.
Jane knew she had to make this shot. The whole game depended on her. She could feel everyone's eyes on her. She dribbled the ball, walked up to the line, and threw it. She closed her eyes and hoped that she made it. She could feel her knees shaking. What game is the girl playing? What do you know about the score of the game? How did the girl feel?
What is she was playing basket ball and about to shoot a free throw. The game was tied. She was very nervous.
"Ohhh, Ahh!!" said the boys. They lay on their backs, on a blanket, looking up at the sky. They watch the lights bright overhead and the booming roar. Then, crackle ...crackle.. As soon as the show was over, the tired boys went home to bed. What kind of show were the boys attending? How are the boys feeling about the show?
What is a firework show. They are enjoying it.
David Couldn't believe his eyes. It was even bigger than he ever imagined it could be. He couldn't wait to see all the Characters and visit the Castle. Where is David? How does David feel about this place?
What is he is at Disneyland and he is so excited to be there.
When the postman approached the doorstep Brinkley growled and curled his upper lip to reveal his sharp teeth. Then he jumped up and pressed his paws against the door, barking loudly. You can infer that Brinkley is a
What is a protective dog.
When she woke up the next morning we saw snapped trees and out neighbor's lawn chair in our backyard. We were thankful to be alive! What do you think happened? Why were they thankful to be alive?
What is a tornado came through their neighborhood. Their house and lives were spared.
As the boys sat outside the office, with torn shirts and muddy faces, they knew they were in trouble. As they picked up the phone and thought about what they were going to say to their parents. What would they have to tell their parents? Why were the boys dirty? Why are they in the office?
What is they had to go to the principal's office for fighting and then had to call their parents and tell them what happened.
Tina's eyes grew larger as they turned the corner onto the street. It was the biggest house she had ever seen; much larger than her previous home. If she could make friends, she knew this would be a great new place to live. What is Tina seeing? Has Tina seen it before? Why might Tina need to make friends?
What is her new house that they are moving into. She has left her old friends.
Fred loaded paper, pounded the key board, clicked all the buttons, reloaded the paper...and NOTHING! "Why can't this thing work?" he said angrily. Finally he gave up and stomped off. How does Fred feel? What is Fred trying to get to work?
What is Fred is frustrated because he can't get his printer to work.
Just as the orchestra was about to play, Julie dropped her bow, and it clattered against her music stand. You can infer that Julie plays the.....
What is a violin.
Sophia threw on mismatched socks and forgot to brush her teeth. She ran out the door just in time to see the bus drive by. What happened to Sophia? Why might this have happened?
What is Sophia is late for school. She woke up late or her alarm didn't go off.
Lauren worried when she handed it over to her mom. She carefully watched mom looking over the paper, and a feeling of relief swept over her and smile spread across mom's face. Mom said "let's go get ice cream to celebrate!" Why was Lauren worried? What paper was mom looking at? Why does mom want to go get ice cream?
What is Lauren was worried that her grades were not good enough. Her mom was proud of her report card and wanted to celebrate.
When Chara looked outside, she knew it would be the perfect day to snuggle up with her favorite book, slippers, and a cup of hot cocoa. Maybe later she would have warm soup for lunch. The sounds from outside could be so relaxing. What did Chara see outside? Why would she have soup for lunch? Do you think Chara will go outside later?
What is a rainy, cold day.
All of the girls giggled while they painted their toenails. One girl was wearing a birthday tiara with the number 10 on it. Next they would have a pillow fight and tell scary stories. then, eat popcorn before going to sleep. Why are the girls together? How do the girls feel?
What is they are at a birthday sleepover and they are all happy to be there.
In the last few seconds of the game, Darryl dribbled the ball down and slammed it through the hoop. What game is he playing?
What is basketball
White flakes fell from the sky and covered the roads. Lucy crawled out of bed and peeked out the window. Her eyes lit up when she realized she definitely wouldn't have school today. Why won't Lucy have school today? How does she feel about that?
What is there is snow and the weather is too bad to go to school. She is excited about staying home and playing in the snow.
Rachel climbed under the covers and got out her flashlight. She snuck out her flashlight and looked at the cover. She began on page 30 where she left off. Before she knew it, the clock read 11pm! As she heard her mom walking toward her room, she quickly turned off her light and pretended to snore. Why did Rachel use a flashlight? Did Rachel enjoy what she was reading? Why did she pretend to snore?
What is Rachel was up late, after her bedtime, reading a book. She got so caught up in the book that she was up really late. Her mom didn't know that she was up reading.
The baby threw her peas over the edge of the chair and laughed as every bit of veggies was licked off the floor. Her strawberries, however, went straight to her tummy! Why would the baby throw her peas? Who is cleaning up the mess? How does she feel about her strawberries?
What is the baby doesn't like her peas so she feeds them to the dog. She eats her strawberries because they are her favorite food.
Lillian leaned over and whispered something into Greta's ear. Greta smiled and burst out laughing. You can infer that Lillian?
What is told Greta something funny.
The cat stretched her paws out in front of her and let out a soft purr. She curled up in her pillow and closed her eyes. What probably happened next?
What is the cat fell asleep.