Inference 1
Inference 2
Inference 3
Inference Riddles
Inference 5

Troy stuttered, blushed, and shook as he addressed the crowd. What is Troy doing and what can you infer about Troy from this statement?

Troy is presenting. You can tell that he is nervous.


You walk into a room and this is what you see: lots of feathers on the floor, an empty cage, and a happily purring cat. What can you infer has just happened?

The cat ate the bird.


My aunt is getting married! She got engaged on Valentine's Day and is so excited. She has always wanted to plan a holiday wedding. We are already looking at decorations and dresses. Everything we are looking at has a festive theme, and the colors are usually gold and silver. There will be lots of glitter and sparkles. It is going to be a beautiful wedding. When might the wedding be happening?

New Year's Eve


You can see through me. I am spelled the same forward and backward. I will hide if you blink. What am I?



The girl showed the lady her ticket. Then she walked down the stairs and found her seat. The players ran onto the field. They got into their positions. The ball went up in the air and the game began.

Where was the girl?

A ball game; basketball, football, cricket, baseball, etc. 


Justin grabbed the leash and quickly put it around Toolie's neck. He stormed out the door with Toolie coming right behind him. He said, "Hurry up, Toolie! You're always so slow." What can you infer about Justin?

Justin was not happy about having to walk the dog


As usual, Jim left for school ten minutes later than he should have. His shoelaces were untied and his backpack was unzipped. He had traveled only one block when he heard his mother shout his name. He looked back and saw her waving his lunch bag at him. What can you infer about Jim?

Jim is disorganized and forgetful.


By the time Amy arrived at the cafe', Juan was drinking his third cup of coffee. "I'm so sorry," she called out when she saw him and gestured to her wrist. What can you infer from this passage?

Amy is late


I make it easy for you to change your mind. I am very light and filled with lead. Most people think a number 2 is the best kind of me. What am I?



The mom straps her toddler into the car seat. She goes around and loads the sacks in the back. As she backs out and drives away, she looks into her rear view mirror and sees her toddler holding a shiny new hot wheels car. she immediately turns the car around and parks again. She talks sternly to her child as she unstraps him. Where are they at? Why does she turn the car around? What did the child do that made the mom angry?

They were shopping at a store and the child stole a toy. So the mom turns around to go return the toy.


The sun was low in the sky. Kay's body ached. Blisters had formed on her hands. She set the rake down and headed home. What season is it?



"You don't know what you're missing, " Susan shouted into the phone over the loud music. "Nah, I'm too tired, " Tim said. " Well, suit yourself, but you may be sorry that you didn't come over to see the rock stars," Susan said. What can you infer from this passage?

Susan wants Tim to come to the party.


Amber wanted to be different from everyone else this year. Instead of handing out preprinted cards to her friends, she was making her own. She cut the cards from construction paper and decorated them with pink and red-colored paper, glitter, and stickers. Then she wrote a message with a gold pen. When is the occasion for this card?

Valentine's Day


This is a place with real class. It's really one for the books. There are many rulers here. Where am I?



The bear ate lots of nuts and fish. Her fur got thick. She prepared her den. The leaves fell from the tree. Each passing day was colder than the next.

What is the bear preparing to do?



Jeff filled up a big bowl with fresh, cold water and set it on the floor. He brought out a big blanket and put it on the floor next to the low window. He opened a package, took out a big bone, and placed it on the floor next to the blanket. Then he opened the window so that the gentle breeze could blow into the room. What was Jeff doing?

Jeff was getting things ready for his dog.


_____ is from 1885 and a gift from France. It is in a shape of a person and stands tall and proud. To those who are arriving, she gives a fond greeting. To those who are leaving, she gives a reminder of freedom for all.

Statue of Liberty


Margaret looked across the aisle at Lucy Her friend was slumped against the bus wall with her cheeks pressed against the glass. She was snoring so loudly that everyone could hear her over the hum of the bus. Margaret didn't know if she snored or not, but this was not the way she wanted to find out. She sat up straight, rubbed her eyes, and forced herself to keep her eyelids from closing for a little while longer. How does Margaret feel?

Margaret is feeling tired/sleepy/exhausted


We watched as the engines roared, but they remained still. They were all lined up in a straight line waiting to accelerate. Each believing that they could win. A man stood waving a flag and off they went. Where are they at? How do you know?

They are at the races. The clues are the engines roared, waiting to accelerate, each believing they could win, and the man with the flag.


"Boy, am I lucky! I just found a 4-leaf clover," exclaimed Bobby. "I'll bet that I do well on my math test today." "You don't really believe that a 4-leaf clover brings good luck, do you?" asked Jim. "You'll get a good grade on the test only if you've studied". What can you infer about Jim?

Jim doesn't believe that 4-leaf clovers bring good luck


The shelves were piled high with boxes, jars and cans of every size and shape. Each group had a different picture and different bright colors. There were so many people putting more boxes on the shelves. Some of the people were talking together as they chose what they wanted. Where was Jeff?

Jeff was at the grocery store


Carrie heard footsteps behind her. The hair on the back of her neck stood on end. She began to quicken her pace, hoping that they wouldn't notice, but at last, she started to run. What can you infer from this passage?

Someone is following Carrie and she is nervous/scared.


Lucy crawled out of bed and peeked out the window. She immediately turns the television on and looks down at the alphabetical list, waiting patiently. Her eyes lit up. Then, she crawls back to bed and throws the covers over her head. Why does Lucy turn on the TV? What is she looking for? What does she find out?

She is looking to see if her school is canceled and it is so she goes back to bed.


I travel many miles every day, but I go nowhere. I take people up and down and round and round. My horses only like to trot when the music plays. What am I?



People giggled and pointed at her feet. She didn't understand until she looked down. She turned red with embarrassment. She realized she should not have gotten dressed in the dark.

Why shouldn't she have gotten dressed in the dark?

She wore different shoes and/or mismatched socks.
