Inference Vocabulary and Investigations
Riddle Me This
If... Then...
Can You Infer
Using My Schema
What is an inference? What two things do you need to make an inference? ______+________=Inference
An inference is an educated guess. It is something that is not told to you directly. You have to use background knowledge plus clues.
I am very sticky, but hard to see when dry. I go round and round across the page until I eventually run out. If you stick with me, in one piece you will be. What am I?
If I have a new classmate who came in the middle of the school year, I could infer that...
The new classmate feels nervous. The new classmate will make some new friends.
Erick's mom is having a birthday party this weekend. He wants to do something special for her. Erick knows that his mom always wanted to go to the Grand Canyon. He turned on the computer and looked at the map. What is Erick doing? How do you know?
Erick is going to plan a trip to the Grand Canyon for his mom. Key words: mom always wanted to go to the Grand Canyon. and he looked at the map.
The door opened automatically as I entered. I took a cart and head to the dairy section. I took milk and eggs and went straight to the cashier. Where am I? a) train station b) grocery store c) doctor's office d) cafeteria 2. Look at the following picture. What can you infer? Why do you think that?
grocery store 2. He is sleeping and or overwhelmed because of homework or studying.
When do we make inferences in our everyday lives?
When we read, look at pictures, watch advertisements, communicate with others, tell how someone may be feeling, find answers to questions, solve mysteries etc.
I am not a magician, but I make things disappear. I come in all shapes and sizes, but am most often found in pink. I can be a writer's best friend. What am I?
If I keep eating junk food, I could infer that ...
I will not be very healthy. I will get sick. I will get cavities on my teeth. I will become overweight.
"Kenneth!" Mom called out as she opened the front door. "Please help me with my groceries. Kenneth!" mom called out. Still there was no reply. Mom walked into the kitchen and saw the shattered pieces from the window all over the floor and a baseball not far from there. Why do you think Kenneth was not answering to his mom? Why do you think so?
Kenneth accidentally broke a window while he was outside playing baseball. He's not answering because he doesn't want to get into trouble.
The front desk informed me that I am next. I took my purse and went inside the room. I told the man wearing a white coat that I've been coughing for 3 days now. Where am I? a) dentist b) doctor's office c) park d) home
b) doctor's office
What is Schema?
Schema is relevant background knowledge, prior knowledge, or just plain experience.
I come in pairs and am known to stink to high heavens at times. I can be laced and tied, or I can hang loose as a goose. I will help you chase your dreams or run for your life. What am I?
A pair of shoes.
If I saw on television that there is a storm coming, I could infer that ...
I might need to bring an umbrella tomorrow. I should wear my rainboots tomorrow. It will be cold, windy, and rainy.
What inference can you make about the two boxers? "The announcer turned to point to the winner and found himself alone. Arm in arm the champions had already left the ring."
The boxers are good friends/they care more about each other than winning the match.
My mom and I waited in line with the rest of the passengers. My mom handed the lady our tickets. The lady smiled at her and said, "Have a great flight!" Where am I? a) school b) bus stop c) train station d) airport
d) airport. key words: waiting in line, tickets, flight
What can you infer about the setting? The air was dry and hot. My throat was parched. If only some water bottles had survived my plane crash. I stared out into the distance, and I saw a Coca Cola vending machine. But it was only a mirage, just my imagination. I began to cry, but even my tears evaporated quickly in the heat.
I am big and gray. I use mud to cool me down. I have a trunk but don't travel much. I knock down trees and I cannot reach the branches. What am I?
What inference can you make about why Gita's mom thought of elephants? "Speaking of elephants," said Gita's mom, stopping at a red light, "would you like to ride one?" "What? We weren't even talking about elephants," said Gita. Then she noticed the billboard across the street. It was an ad for a car insurance company that showed an elephant stepping on the hood of a car. The slogan read "Accidents Happen."
I can infer that while talking and noticing the advertisement, Gita's mom brought up the elephant in the picture.
What inference can you make about Nicholas from the following statement? "Geography is a snap for Nicholas. A voracious reader with an impeccable memory, the San Francisco 14-year-old won his school's national geographic bee and placed fifth in his state's competition--without really studying."
Nicholas is gifted/smart/talented and could probably win the state competition if he actually studied.
What can you infer about the authors purpose?? -A commercial for Cinnamon Toast Crunch
To Persuade
After getting the assignment, Octavio shoved it into his folder (but not in the pocket). He scribbled down the homework in the back of his notebook, and at the end of the day, he threw everything into his bag. Papers spilled out into the hallway, as he ran for the school doors. What can you infer about the character?
Octavio is disorganized, messy, does not care about school, makes kind and hardworking teachers cry..
1. I am big and green but not mean. I carry a torch for freedom. I can stand in water, but I cannot swim. People travel from miles around to visit me. What am I? 2. What was the theme of the video clip, "For the Birds?"
1.The statue of Liberty. 2. The theme of the video clip, "For the Birds," was not to bully someone because they are different than you. Also, we must not judge others, we must work as a team, if one of us falls then we all do, we will pay the consequences for our actions, karma, what goes around comes around.
What inference can you make about the way the author feels about zoos? Though zoos are meant to be a joy to viewers and teach lessons about the earth, the zoo jails its inhabitants and passes on faulty knowledge. The wild animals in the world are a wonder, and they must be preserved. At the zoo they are treated with care, but they should be treated with reverence. What can you infer about the word reverence?
I can infer that the author does not feel that zoos are the best way to preserve and respect animals. Reverence is having deep respect for someone or something.
Dad and Anna were finishing up a project in the garage together. "Can we paint the roof red?" asked Anna. "Sure," said Dad. "Then when the paint dries we can find a place to hang it in the backyard." 1. What do you think Dad and Anna are making? Why do you think so? 2. Look at the following picture. What can you infer about the character? How do you know?
1. Dad and Anna are making a birdhouse. 2. The picture is of a boy getting upset because his favorite sports team lost. I can tell because of the setting and his uniform. He is crying.
1. Crunch! Crunch! Crunch! As I walk the street I was so amazed with what I am seeing -- yellow, orange, red, and brown. I've never seen colorful leaves on the ground before. When is this? a) spring b) fall c) summer d) winter 2. What can we infer about the theme of the song, "Am I wrong?" And what clues and background knowledge help us to understand the theme? Remember..."Am I tripping for having a vision? My prediction....I'm gonna be on top of the world." ( You may refer to your song lyrics in your folder).
1. Fall 2. The theme of the song is to not give up on your dreams. To walk your own way, be independent, never give up, and never let anyone tell you that you can't do something. It is important to have goals in life.