I keep you safe. I will catch you if you speed. I will help you if you get lost. Who am I?

a police officer


I can smell the ocean and hear the waves crashing. I have sand between my toes.  Where am I?

at the beach


I hatched from an egg, love to swim, and have a shell. What am I?

a turtle


I put on my bathing suit, grabbed my flip flops and headed out to the pool. I spent the afternoon splashing around. Later in the day, Mom bought me an ice-cream cone.  When did this happen?

In summer


John wanted to buy some candy at the store, but he forgot his money at home. What do you think will happen next? ___________________________________________

He will go back home to get his money.


I bring you mail packages and deliver your cards and letters. Who am I?

a mailman


I see rows and rows of shelves.  People are reading books here.  If I have a card I can borrow books from here too. Where am I?

at the library


I have feathers and wings, can’t fly, but I do like to swim in ice water. What am I?

a penguin


School was closed today because it snowed so much last night.  Later, I will help mom shovel the snow.  When is this happening?

In winter


Jenny was swinging on the swings when she heard a “SNAP!” What do you think will happen next?

The swing has broken. Jenny will fall off the swing. Jenny will be hurt.

I work in a quiet place. I might ask you to be quiet. I can help you find the title you are looking for. I can help you to check out something on my shelves if you want to borrow it.  Who am I?

a librarian


I am pushing a cart down some aisles. Mom is putting packages and boxes in the cart and it's getting harder to push it.  Maybe I'll get a loaf of bread.  Where am I?

at the supermarket


I live in the ocean. I like swimming around slowly searching for food. I have six more arms than you. What am I?

an octopus


Yesterday we did not have school.  My cousin slept over at my house. Today we will go out and collect bugs, play basketball in the park, and then ride our bikes. We cannot stay up too late tonight because we have school tomorrow. What day is it?



Henry had been waiting all week to go to the beach. He was all ready to go when his mom said, “I have some bad news.” What do you think will happen next?

Henry will be upset.  It will rain.


I am in a band. I use two sticks to play my instrument. Who am I?

a drummer


We just saw the monkeys and the giraffes. Next we will walk through a butterfly garden. After lunch, we will go see the tigers.  Where am I?

at the zoo


I am big and furry. I am black and white. I love to eat bamboo. What am I?

 a panda


I was so excited to get up early this morning. I got dressed and got my new backpack ready. I was looking forward to seeing my friends and meeting my new teacher for the first time.  When is this happening?

the first day of school


Beth was all alone in the basement and it was dark. The only thing she could hear was a small scratching sound. What do you think will happen next?

Beth will run upstairs. Beth will see a mouse.


I get voted in after a big election in November every 4 years. I am the leader of the country. Who am I?

the President


You will find me when you go outside. I live high above the earth. Some people say I remind them of cotton candy. When I am angry I get dark, and when I am sad I cry. You have probably felt my tears. When I cry a lot I make puddles and small ponds. What am I?

at a campsite


You will find me when you go outside. I live high above the earth. Some people say I remind them of cotton candy. When I am angry I get dark, and when I am sad I cry. You have probably felt my tears. When I cry a lot I make puddles and small ponds. What am I?

a cloud


I just finished eating chicken, broccoli, and potatoes. Now I am helping clean up all the dishes from the table. Next, I am going to change into my PJs and get ready for bed. When is this happening?

After dinner. 


A tiny goldfinch landed on the windowsill and began to chirp. The kitten stopped and watched the bird. The kitten was completely still. The goldfinch fluttered its yellow wings, took a few steps on the windowsill, and chirped again. What do you think will happen next?

The kitten will jump up to catch the bird.
