Inferences are:
How do we make inference?

What 2 things helps you make an inference?

Information from the text and background knowledge


We need to find ______ to get some answers.



The boy has finished eating his sandwich and has a stain on his shirt. What can you infer from this statement?

He dropped food on his shirt


The man loves to garden outside. What can you deduce from this information?

(Make it make sense)/ He tries to garden often/ He is good at gardening/ He has a beautiful garden/ etc..


The Canadian Province of Quebec was originally settled by French fur traders. Eventually cities grew to support the fur trade. As a result other industries (such as logging) became the main source of income for the residents. Based on this passage, you can infer that some residents of Quebec may speak which language? a. French b. Spanish c. English

a. I know some people in Canada speak French.


What is an inference?

An educated guess


We need to add those clues to __________

what we already know or have read.


Rain helps flowers grow. The flowers are not growing. What inference can you make from this?

It has not rained for awhile. 


The boy likes to dribble the ball. What inference can you make about the boy?

He likes basketball/ He is practicing/ He is good at dribbling but not good at shooting/ make it make sense


Carrots are an excellent source of retinol. Retinol is a pure form of vitamin A and is essential for good vision and strong teeth. It is often found in foods such as eggs, liver, and fish. For vegetarians, the best source of retinol is carrots. Based on this passage, what can you infer about the amount of retinol in eggs, liver, and fish? a. It is the same or greater than the amount in carrots. b. It is less than the amount in carrots. c. Eggs, liver, and fish do not contain retinol.

 b. It is less than the amount in carrots.


What is background knowledge?

What we already know


Can there be more than 1 correct answer? 



When frogs are hungry they catch flies. The frog does not want to catch the fly. What inference can you make here?

The frog is not hungry. 


The kids run every other day after school. What is your educated guess about this statement?

The kids are on a track team/ The kids like to race each other/ The track team meets every other day/ make it make sense


Emily and Molly both auditioned for a singing role in a musical. Emily landed a spot in the musical, but Molly did not. he reader can reasonably presume: a. The directors thought Molly was a better singer than Emily. b. The directors thought Emily was a better singer than Molly. c. Neither Emily nor Molly had a chance to sing during the auditions

b. The directors thought Emily was a better singer than Molly.


What is text clues? 

It is what the author is telling you


We make an educated ____ based on the information we are given. 



Robby picked some beautiful flowers. What can you infer. 

He likes flowers/ He is going to give them to someone/ He....


The man loves to purchase cars. What is your prediction about this text?

He has many cars/ He is a car dealer/ He is a car collector/ Make it make sense.


Tim and Liam both glanced around the room nervously as the teacher handed back the graded tests. The teacher handed Liam his test and smiled. The teacher handed Tim his test and asked, “What happened?” The reader can reasonably assume: a. Liam did not do well on the test. b. Tim did not do well on the test. c. Tim was not in school on the day of the test.

 b. Tim did not do well on the test.


When you make an inference you must sometimes....

read between the lines 


We need to be able to ______ our answers, when we make inferences. 



Madoline got her kite out of the closet. Why?

She is going to fly her kite/ She is going to the park and wants to fly her kite/ She is lending her kite to someone.


They mixed pineapples and strawberries in a blender. They added orange juice and ice. Then they put in a little ice cream. What is your interpretation of this text?

They are making a smoothy/ They are making a shake/ Make it make sense


Katie slammed her math textbook closed and crumpled up the piece of paper she was working on. “Ugh!” she said. Based on this passage, what can you interpret about Katie? a. Katie enjoys math. b. Katie is having difficulty with math. c. Katie has finished her math homework.

b. Katie is having difficulty with math.
