Ana and Sophie sat in their chairs staring straight ahead for nearly two hours. They did not talk or hardly even move, but they were not bored at all.

Where were Ana and Sophie?

They were at the movies.


Carlos looked down at the people far below. It was a little scary to be so high, but he knew he was safe. The sun felt hot. Carlos decided to buy a snow cone when he was on the ground again.

Where is Carlos?

Amusement park/ride.


The girl saved all her money. It was exactly what she wanted. She imagined gliding down the road pedaling effortlessly. She finally had enough money to make her dream come true. What was her dream?

Her dream was to buy a bike.


Derek ran up the court, "I'm open!" he yelled toward the boy with the ball. The boy passed the ball to Derek, and he made his show! The crowd cheered at two more points were added to the scoreboard.

What game was Derek playing?



People kept coming over to visit Rachel's family. They brought food and gifts. Many of the visitors asked Rachel how she liked being a big sister.

Why were so many people coming to visit Rachel's family?

Because she had a new baby sister/brother.


Janice couldnt wait to leave. She grabbed her gloves, a scarf, a warm hat, and some thick socks. She walked down the street and watched her breath hit the air. 

What season is it? 



Mom lit three candles. "There, that's better", she said. Claire turned off her flashlight. The house was quiet except for the sound of the wind blowing through the tress outside.

Why did mom light candles?

Because it there was a blackout. 

Cara tried not to fidget in her new dress. There were at least a hundred people in the audience. What if she messed up? She heard her name and for a momemy, she could not move. The girl next to her gave her a gentle push, and she walked onto the stage and toward the piano?

What was Cara feeling?



Pat walked into her grandma's backyard. She smelled haw and cows. She heard chickens cluck and roosters crow. 

Where does grandma live? 

A farm


Sasha handed the book to the librarian. The librarian opened the book and found crayon scribbles on almost every page. "I'm really sorry," said Sasha. " I should have kept the book in my room."

What happened to Sasha's library book?

Her little sibling scribbled in her book.


When Ethan woke up, the room was bright with sunlight. He looked at the clock and leapt out of the bed. He threw on his clothes, grabbed his backpack, and ran out the door without eating breakfast.

Why was Ethan in such a hurry?

Because he was late for school.


The girl sneezed. Her dad felt her forehead and took her temperature. She told him her throat hurt. He pulled the blankets over her. He told her to try to sleep while he called her teacher. 

Why did he call her teacher?

Because she was sick and would  not be going to school.


The bus was full of children. Everyone was laughing and talking. Ben scratched a mosquito bite on his leg. It had been a fun week, but he was glad that tonight he would be sleeping in his own bed instead in a sleeping bag. 

Where was the bus coming from?

Overnight camping trip.


These athletes train a great deal. They eat a very healthy diet. Some compete in short races and others compete in long races called marathons. What is the sport?



Andrew played soccer after school. At home he watched a basketball game. He traded baseball cards with his friends. 

What can you tell about Andrew?

Andrew likes sports. 
