Inference 1
Inference 2
Inference 3
Inference 4
Inference 5

I should have studied harder. My palms are sweating; my heart is racing; and my pencil broke! I raised my hand, hoping not to disrupt the other students. I looked back and forth from the clock to my paper. Time seemed to be racing by. I had to do my best!
What am I doing?

Taking a test or quiz.


John overslept. When he woke up and saw the clock, he jumped out of bed and scrambled around the house trying to clean himself and get dressed quickly. He grabbed his suitcase, got in the car, and sped to the airport! Five minutes after getting to there, John was disappointed.

Why was he disappointed? 

John missed his flight.


A boy was riding his bike home from school and he rode past a car accident. It looked pretty bad because one the cars had the windows broken out all over the ground. The next day he went to ride his bike and the tires were both flat. Why do you think they were flat?

The glass from the car had popped both his tires


The noisy classroom fell silent as soon as Mrs. Barker stepped through the door. The students shuffled nervously, their eyes darting back and forth from the broom in Gabriel’s hand to the broken light fixture swinging overhead. What can you infer from the passage as to what happened?

Gabriel broke the light fixture with the broom. (Hopefully he is sweeping it up, too.)


Every morning, Mr. Anthony gets up early and puts on his uniform. He makes sure his badge is on straight and takes his gun from a locked box in his desk. He walks out to his driveway where his car, with the large lights on its roof, is waiting. He gets into his car and drives to the station. From this passage you can infer that Mr. Anthony's occupation?

He is a police officer


It was almost dark. Larry was dirty and tired. He laid the rake down on the big pile of leaves and went inside

What can you infer from the passage of what Larry has been doing all day?

Larry worked hard all day doing yard work.


The light turned red and Jim did not stop. Next, there was a huge crashing sound. Jim got out of the car to inspect the damage.  Police sirens were blaring in the distance.

What happened?

Jim was in an accident.


Lots of white flakes fell from the sky and covered the roads. Lucy woke up at 6:00 AM and crawled out of bed to peek out the window. She immediately turned on the news. Her eyes lit up and she smiled when she saw her school listed. Then she crawled back to bed and threw the covers over her head knowing that she wouldn't have to wake up early.

What did Lucy find out when she saw the news?

Snow Day or School was closed because of the snow.


Dalton twisted the handlebars from side to side, trying to keep the bicycle upright. His feet pumped the pedals, and as the bike picked up speed he found he could steer it much more easily. “Look, I’m doing it!” he shouted. What can you infer from the passage as to what is going on?

Dalton just learned to ride a bike.


Over a loudspeaker, a voice announces that Flight 240 for Los Angeles is now boarding. You see dozens of people pulling wheeled suitcases up and down a wide hallway. At one end of the hall is an area with several uniformed men and women talking to each person who passes through a gate. What can you infer about where you are?

In an airport going to Los Angeles. 


Rubin dug frantically through his backpack. It has to be here, he thought. How many times had his mother told him not to take his iPod to school. He searched his locker again without much hope. He knew he was in trouble. What can you infer from this passage?

Rubin lost his Ipod

Ruben made a mental checklist: Do laundry. Go to supermarket. Clean house. Fix hallway light. Change the bed sheets in guest room. Wrap the presents. Put up the tree lights. His parents were coming in the morning and he didn't know how he would get everything done. 

What time of year was it?

Christmas time of year.


You went to school late because you had a dentist appointment. You showed up to your classroom and no one was there. Then you looked at the clock and saw it was around noon.

Where do you think your classmates were?

They were at lunch instead of the classroom


A little boy is sitting with his mother in a doctor’s office, listlessly leaning against her. When she gives him a cup to sip some water, he slowly pushes it away. After a while, he begins to whimper and puts a hand to his neck. What can you infer from this situation?

The boy has a sore throat.


Max stepped up to the plate. He held the bat up and stared intently at the pitcher as he watched several balls fly by. Then, he walked back to the dugout and sat down. What can you infer from this passage? (What sport and what happened.)

Baseball and Max struck out


Every day after work Paul took his muddy boots off on the steps of the front porch. Alice would have a fit if the boots made it so far as the welcome mat. He then took off his dusty overalls and threw them into a plastic garbage bag; Alice left a new garbage bag tied to the porch railing for him every morning. On his way in the house, he dropped the garbage bag off at the washing machine and went straight up the stairs to the shower as he was instructed. He would eat dinner with her after he was “presentable,” as Alice had often said. What type of job does Paul do?

Paul works some kind of job that requires him to get dirty: ditch digger, miner, laborer, etc.


Rubin dug frantically through his backpack. It has to be here, he thought. How many times had his mother told him not to take his iPod to school. He searched his locker again without much hope. He knew he was in trouble. What can you infer from this passage?

Rubin lost his ipod.


It was the time of the pioneers, before the wild wild West and the cowboys. Many families were traveling by covered wagons through the Midwest. They were looking for land of their own on which to settle and build homes. Laura Wilder lived during this time and wrote many books about her family and adventures. 

When did Laura Wilder live?

In the 1800s


Cassie rolled over in her bed as she felt the sunlight hit her face. The beams were warming the back of her neck when she slowly realized that it was a Thursday, and she felt a little too good for a Thursday. Struggling to open her eyes, she looked up at the clock. "9:48," she shouted, "Holy cow!" Cassie jumped out of bed, threw on the first outfit that she grabbed, brushed her teeth in two swipes, threw her books into her backpack, and then ran out the door. Where is Cassie going?

Cassie is going to school.


Mary rushed through the door and called out, “I’m here! I’m sorry! I’m here!” Her mother appeared in the doorway to the kitchen, looked at her watch, and glared at Mary. “Well hurry up, then,” she said. “Don’t make us wait any longer than you already have.” The reader can reasonably infer?

Mary was late. (I wonder what she was late for. Any ideas?)


Ryan was looking forward to sleeping over at his friend Robert's house. Though they had been classmates for a while, the two had only recently become good friends. Ryan packed up his sleeping bag, a pillow, and a few of his favorite toys and games, and then his mom dropped him off at Robert's. Robert met Ryan on the porch and the two did their secret handshake and started playing right away. First they played pirates in Robert's tree fort. Next they played ninjas in the driveway. Then it started getting dark and they went inside of Robert's house. As soon as they walked in the house, Ryan's eyes starting getting red and itchy. He saw a big orange cat sitting on the couch. Then he started sneezing uncontrollably. "I'm sorry, Robert. It's been a lot of fun, but I have to call my mom." Why do Ryan's eyes get red and itchy when he walks into Robert's house?

Ryan is allergic to cats.


A lady was growing tomatoes on her porch and was waiting for them to turn red so she could eat them. The neighbor kids liked to play on her porch because she had fun steps they could jump off of. The tomatoes were almost ready to eat because they were orange and turning red. One more day was all they needed. The next day the lady came home and all the red tomatoes were gone. What do you think happened to them?

The neighbor's kids stole the tomatoes.


For centuries, Native Americans of the Great Plains relied on wild buffalo herds for their food, shelter, and tools. In 1865, more than 12 million buffalo lived on the Great Plains. But then more and more settlers moved west. By 1890, most of these animals were gone. There were only 750 buffalo left. Fortunately, the number of buffalo has grown since then. 

You can infer that millions of buffalo disappeared in the late 1800s because

They were killed by settlers


When he got home, Pete took off his muddy boots and left them on the front steps; he would clean them off later. He went directly into the bathroom and took off his dirty overalls, changing into clean jeans and a t-shirt. He’d spent a long day in the fields, but he was satisfied that he had accomplished quite a bit. What is most likely Peter’s occupation?

He is a farmer.


Bob started sneezing as soon as he came into the shop. The shop was lined with cages full of furry or feathered species, as well as beautiful fish in  blue glass tanks. A woman with glasses came out from behind the counter. Bob said hello but then sneezed again. And then he sneezed again and again. The animals in their cages seemed to shake with anxiety every time he sneezed. Before Bob could say the word birdseed, the woman in the glasses asked for if he could leave and return later.

Why was Bob sneezing?

Bob was allergic to something in the shop.
