What is an inference?

An guess based on evidence.


What is a conclusion?

A decision based on evidence.


What is another word for evidence?



What is textual evidence?

Evidence found within written material.


What is explicit textual evidence?

Evidence directly stated.


What two things are used to make an inference?

Personal experience/knowledge

Information seen or read


I am covered in sand.

I can see and smell the ocean.

 I wear my cutest swimsuit.

Where am I?

At the beach


Hailey hears her mailbox open and close.  Her dog then begins to bark.  The same things happens almost every day at the same time.  What can you infer is happening?

The mailman is delivering her mail.


 I can be wasted or used or limited.  I can move very quickly or very slowly.  I can often be found on peoples' arms.  What am I?



I am large and red.   I love water.  I also have a siren and sometimes in large cities, a spotted dog can be seen sitting on me.  What am I?

A fire engine


I am black and white.  

I eat bamboo.

I can often be found in a zoo.

What am I?

A panda


There were kids everywhere, having a blast and splashing in the water.  Lines for the slides were long and filled with eager kids.  Where am I?

A waterpark


I come in multiple colors.

I come in boxes of 8 to 24.  

I can be fat or skinny.

Little kids love me.

What am I?



Jim hurt his finger climbing the wooden fence.  He could see the source of his pain, but could not fix it on his own.  He grabbed a pair of tweezers and went to find his father.  What is wrong with Jim's finger?

He has a splinter in his finger.


Jenny held her stomach and leaned back on the sofa.  She grabbed a blanket and curled up in a ball.  All she could think about was the huge funnel cake she ate earlier.  What is wrong with Jenny?

A.  She hasn't slept in a while.

B.  She wants another funnel cake.

C.  She has a stomach ache from the funnel cake


Dark clouds start to cover the stars and moon.  The wind begins to blow and the air becomes colder.

What can you infer is happening?

There is a storm building.


Toby loves being active and playing competitively with his friends.  He plans to become a coach one day.  What can you infer about Toby?

A.  He likes sports.

B.  He likes being better than everyone else.

C.  He sleeps a lot.


John is awakened by the smoke alarm and smells burnt bacon.  He quickly grabbed his shoes and shirt and heads downstairs.  What will John most likely find downstairs?

A.  His sister throwing away scorched eggs.

B.  His mom preparing a pan to cook more bacon.

C.  His little brother playing with the smoke detector.

Norman specifically told Jake to not eat any cookies until after dinner.  When Norman goes in to prepare dinner, he finds cookie crumbs on the floor and chocolate around Jake's mouth.  What can he infer?

A.  Jake at some of the cookies.

B.  Jake had the cookies out to feed to his dog.

C.  The dog got the cookies from off the shelf.


I can hear the cheerleaders.

I can hear the fans in the stands.

I can smell popcorn and hotdogs.

I can hear the announcer yelling "Touchdown."

Where am I?

football game

Inga searched her room for her science report.  She under the dinner plate with the petrified pieces of orange rind.  She flipped through an old stack of magazines and a bundle of school newspapers.  She moved two piles of dirty clothes and a shopping bag of old DVD.  Why is it so hard for Inga to find things in her room?

Her room is messy.


Trudy enjoyed visiting her father at work, but had to be careful not to get in the way.  On one table, Reynaldo was assembling a massive salad filled with colorful vegetables.  In front of the stove, Eileen was tasting her incomparable mushroom soup with a slight frown on her face.  Through it all, Trudy's father, in his puffy white hat, kept close watch to make sure everything came our perfectly.  Where does Trudy's father work?

At a restaurant


At the meet and greet before the workshop, a man Joey had never seen walked up, addressed Joey by his name, and introduced himself as the guest speaker for the workshop.  How did this man know Joey's  name?

Joey was wearing a nametag.


In literature class, the teacher began reciting a famous Emily Dickinson poem.  Jaunita the mouthed the next lines of the poem.  In fact, Juanita quietly whispered the words to the entire poem as the teacher recited it.  Jaunita's literature book was closed on her desk?  Why did Jaunita do this?

A.  She had memorized the poem before class.

B.  She was being disrespectful to the teacher.

C.  She was trying to memorize the poem for another class.


Mrs. Kennedy entered the cafeteria and immediately made a disgusted face.  How could the cafeteria workers continue to serve something like this.

How does Mrs. Kennedy feel about what is being served?

She does not like it.

She thinks it smells bad.
