Animal Inferences
Activities Main Idea
Spring Inferences
Spring Main Idea

I buzz around from flower to flower. I have black stripes on by body in between my yellow colored hairs. I use my stinger for defense against my enemies. What am I?



Chris loves basketball. He'd rather play basketball than watch TV. his favorite team is the Pheonix Suns. Chris likes to pretend he's a Pheonix Sun when he plays basketball. 

Chris's favorite thing to do and think about is basketball.

Chris hopes he can play for the Pheonix Suns someday. 

Chris likes basketball better than TV.

Chris's favorite thing to do and think about is basketball.


I hatch from an egg. I'm a fuzzy little bird. I hop around the nest saying "cheep" instead of words. What am I?



We can do many fun things in the spring. I plant flower seeds in my garden. Jan splashes in the rain puddles. Tim likes to fly his kite at the park. What is the main idea?

You can plant flowers in the garden

There are many fun things you can do in the spring

Splashing in puddles is fun

There are many fun things you can do in the spring

Ellen's dog, Nibbles, is an unusual dog. He's four years old today. Whenever anyone pets him, Nibbles sneezes. And it's not just your average sneeze - it's a humongous, blow-out sneeze! Nibbles also sneezes after he eats or drinks anything. Nibbles has light brown hair with white paws and a white chest. Maybe we should give Nibbles a more unusual name to go with his unusual habit - like Gesundheit!

Nibbles is an unusual dog.


My neck is extremely long to help me reach leaves on tall trees. I have spots but they aren't exactly round. My tail looks like a zebra, but I am much taller than one. What am I?


Lonnie loves to draw. Every morning she gets out her drawing kit of pencils, markers, chalk, and paper. She thinks about what she'll draw and works at it until it's finished. She really likes to draw nature scenes. Today she's drawing a picture of a farm. 

Lonnie draws every morning. 

Lonnie draws with markers, pencils, and chalk

Lonnie's favorite thing to do every day is draw

Lonnie's favorite thing to do every day is draw


I am made of any colors. I am up in the sky and I come out after the rain and when the sun comes out. What am I?



Sam love rainy days. On rainy days, she gets to wear my yellow raincoat and black rainboots and use my purple umbrella. Then, Sam's sister, Jenny, and Sam run outside to jump in the puddles and splash each other. They also open their mouths and wait for raindrops to fall in. 

What is the main idea?

Sam loves rainy days


This is something that you use when it rains outside. It protects you from getting wet and has a handle for you to hold. What am I?



I slither on the ground and shed my skin at certain times during the year. Sometimes when I bite, it can be venomous and poisonous. What am I?


Want to learn how to juggle? Kirby the Clown will be giving lessons once a week during gym for one month. You'll start with tennis balls and work your way up to bowling pins. Be sure of bring protective footwear! Sign up in the principal's office. 

Bring your gym shoes to the principal's office

Kirby the Clown will be giving juggling lessons in gym class

If you want to learn how to juggle, start with tennis balls

Kirby the Clown will be giving juggling lessons in gym class


I am pretty and colorful. I grow from the ground. I can be planted in your garden or in a vase/pot. I need sunlight and water to grow. What am I?



Did you know butterflies are insects? Their life cycle is made up of four different parts: egg, larva, pupa, and adult. They have four wings, which are brightly colored with unique patterns. Butterflies eat nectar and taste with their feet. Butterflies are amazing insects.

Butterflies are insects.

Butterflies have four wings with different patterns.

They eat nectar and taste with their feet.

Butterflies are insects. 


On the weekends, Jack helps his dad cut the grass. He also helps him wash the cars. During the week, Jack helps his dad with chores inside the house. He cleans the bathroom and does the dishes. Jack enjoys helping his dad. 

Jack helps him wash his cars. 

Jack helps his dad during the week and on weekends

He cleans the bathroom and does the dishes

Jack helps his dad during the week and on weekends


I swing from tree to tree. I come in many sizes and colors. I eat fruit and insects. I have a long tail and I like bananas. What am I?



Lots of kids like to play baseball. If you're one of them, come to Little League tryouts Tuesday after school. The tryouts will be held next to the soccer field. Gloves and bats will be provided.

Little League tryouts will be Tuesday after school

Baseball is a fun sport

You don't need a glove or bat to play Little League.

Little League tryouts will be Tuesday after school


I have two spinning wheels. You can pedal 'round and 'round. Put on your helmet and hop on for a nice ride across the ground. What am I?



The thunder crashes and the wind blows the leaves off of the trees. Thunderstorms can cause damage to yards and homes. Thunderstorms bring heavy rains that cause flooding in basements and sheds. Heavy winds and lightening can damage powerlines, causing people to lose electric power in their homes. 

The thunder crashes and the wind blows the leaves off of the trees

Thunderstorms can cause damage to yards and homes

Heavy winds and lightening can damage powerlines

Thunderstorms can cause damage to yards and homes


I am a school supply that students use to write in. I have many pages that have lines on them. People use a pen or paper to write on the pages. What am I?



I am orange and full of fur. I have black stripes. I eat meat. I usually live in the jungle. What am I?



Mr. Martinez reads stories in the library every day before school. He can make his voice just like the characters in the story. If you get to school early, stop by the library to listen to one of Mr. Martinez's stories. 

Mr. Martinez can change the sound of his voice

Get up early to get to school before it starts

Mr. Martinez reads stories before school in the library

Mr. Martinez reads stories before school in the library


I live outside and gather nuts. I don't have much to say but I have a bushy tail and in springtime I will play. What am I?



Animals do different things in the spring. Birds make their nests in trees. Bears wake up and come out of their dens. Butterflies lay eggs on plants. What is the main idea?

Animals do different things in the spring


I am a fruit that is small and round. I can be red, green, or purple. I grow on vines and am attached to a stem. You can buy me at the store and keep me in the fridge. What am I?

