
Mr. Nelson, the mailman, walked across a beautiful yard to bring the mail to the Bell's home. Suddenly, the sprinklers went on and Mr. Nelson was all wet. Very angry, Mr. Nelson went to the front of the house and pounded on the door. No one answered. 

How did Mr. Nelson get so wet? 1. An automatic timer had been set to start the sprinklers. 2. It started to rain. 3. The kids in the house put the sprinklers on. 4. He fell in a puddle.

1. An automatic timer had been set to start the sprinklers.


It is a special day for Beth. She has invited her best friends to come for the day. They will have pizza and a pretty cake. They will take turns trying to hit the piñata. Then Beth will open gifts. What day is Beth celebrating? 1. Easter 2. Her birthday 3. Christmas 4. Fourth of July

2. Her birthday


The girl had been working in the garden. She pulled weeds. She picked beans and tomatoes. Her clothes got dirty. After she took the vegetables to the kitchen, she went to clean up. When the dinner bell rang, she appeared at the table in a fresh outfit. When did the girl change clothes?

 1. yesterday 2. during the meal 3. before coming to dinner 4. after dinner was over

3. before coming to dinner


The bike skidded out of control. It slammed against the sidewalk. The rider hit the ground hard. His pant leg was ripped. His knee was scraped and bleeding. He began to sniffle. 

Why did the bike rider sniffle? 1. He had a bloody nose. 2. He had allergies. 3. He smelled something funny. 4. He was starting to cry.

4. He was starting to cry.


The shirt needed repair. A button was loose. The wife walked down the hall and through a door. Inside the door was a dresser. She fluffed a pillow. Her pajamas had been thrown over the chair. She stuffed those into a drawer. Then she reached under the chair and pulled out the sewing kit. 

Where did the wife keep the sewing kit? 1. in the laundry room 2. in the bathroom 3. in the living room 4. in the bedroom

4. in the bedroom


Charlotte spread her large, flowered beach towel on the firm sand. She rubbed a layer of suntan lotion on her skin. Then she lay down and opened a copy of her favorite novel to read. Her eyes became heavy so she soon fell asleep in the warm sun. When she woke up, her back felt hot and painful. 

How did Charlotte get a sun burn? 1. She was in the sun too long. 2. She used too much suntan lotion. 3. She didn't use enough suntan lotion. 4. She was reading a book.

1. She was in the sun too long.


It is 1885, and a gift from France has arrived. Atop a large base, a statue takes form. Copper-red in the sun, a woman's shape is visible. Tall and proud, she stands at a gateway. To those who are arriving, she gives a fond greeting. To those who are leaving, she gives a reminder of freedom for all. 

What is this? 1. Mt. Rushmore 2. Washington Monument 3. Statue of Liberty 4. Eiffel Tower

3. Statue of Liberty


My aunt is getting married! She got engaged on Valentine's Day and is so excited. She has always wanted to plan a holiday wedding. We are already looking at decorations and dresses. Everything we are looking at has a festive theme, and the colors are usually red, green and gold. Some have candy canes and pine trees. It is going to be a beautiful wedding. 

When might the wedding be happening?

Around Christmas


James and his dad were driving down the road on their way to the next city. Without warning, one of the tires began making a thump, thump, thump sound, and the car felt strange. Dad pulled the car over the side of the road and stopped. Dad immediately saw the problem and went to get the jack from the trunk of the car. 

Why did Dad pull the car off the road? 1. A tire exploded. 2. It was over heating. 3. He was getting a speeding ticket. 4. A tire was flat.

4. A tire was flat.


William and Jane went on a hike. They used ropes and special equipment to climb higher and higher. When they got to the top, they rested and looked all around. Being so high up, it was an amazing sight! Where are William and Jane? 1. in a valley 2. by a stream 3. on a mountain 4. on a hill

3. on a mountain


Sara was trying out her new inline skates. She tied the laces on the skates and put on her helmet. Then she put on the elbow and knee pads. When she was ready, she started taking a few slow steps while holding her dad's hand. 

How did Sara keep from falling with the inline skates? 1. She wore a helmet. 2. She held her dad's hand. 3. She wore elbow pads. 4. She wore knee pads.

She held her dad's hand.


I sat at the table, bored. I didn't enjoy this daily project. Every day after school, I spent at least an hour with my math, science and English books. I would rather be outside playing! 

What is the person doing after school?



It was the time of the pioneers, before the wild wild West and the cowboys. Many families were traveling by covered wagons through the Midwest. They were looking for land of their own on which to settle and build homes. Laura Wilder lived during this time and wrote many books about her family and adventures. 

When did Laura Wilder live? 1. in the year 2005 2. in the 1800s 3. in the year 1000 4. in the time of the dinosaurs

2. in the 1800s


It was 98 degrees outside. Derek and his father were running some errands. They had just finished grocery shopping, but had to run into the dry cleaners to pick up a suit. As Derek got out of the car, his father asked him to leave his window open a crack. 

Why do you think Derek's dad told Derek to leave the window open a bit? 1. Derek was staying in the car. 2. Someone might want to drop coins in the car. 3. It was freezing outside. 4. He wanted to let some air into the car.

He wanted to let some air into the car.


The fourth and fifth grade classes are collecting items from this year. They have newspapers and magazines. Some students wrote letters. They also have some pictures. All the items will be put in a special box. It will be put in the cornerstone of the new school. You can guess the box is a _________ 1. mess 2. time capsule 3. gift for the principal

2. time capsule


Our thoughts are powerful tools. When one thinks  bad thoughts, one is more likely to have a bad day. If one thinks of good things, one stands a better chance of having a good day. What we think about affect us! 

How can you have a better day? 1. Avoid vegetables 2. Think about a favorite activity 3. Learn to use power tools 4. Worry about an upcoming test

2. Think about a favorite activity


Ray was a star player on his baseball team. He had a very important role. He was usually very safe with his special equipment, although, he does remember telling one player from the other team, "Don't swing your bat so close to my mask!" His teammates couldn't believe he could crouch in that tough position for so long. 

What position does Ray play? 1. first base 2. pitcher 3. catcher 4. shortstop

3. catcher


Amber wanted to be different from everyone else this year. Instead of handing out preprinted cards to her friends, she was making her own. She cut the cards from construction paper and decorated them with colored paper, glitter, and stickers. Then she wrote a message with a gold pen. When is the occasion for this card? 1. Easter 2. Valentine's Day 3. Halloween 4. Christmas

2. Valentine's Day


Melanie was doing her homework. She kept busy but she kept looking at her watch. When it was 6:00, she smiled. She put her homework down. She went into the living room and picked up the remote.

 Why did Melanie smile when it was 6:00? 1. She found the remote. 2. It was time for her mom to come home from work. 3. A sad news report was coming on. 4. Her favorite TV show was on.

4. Her favorite TV show was on.


Mrs. Appleby handed out cupcakes to all the children at the party. She realized that there weren't enough to go around for everyone. There was one cupcake left but Sara and a little girl hadn't gotten any yet. Sara told Mrs. Appleby to give the cupcake to the little girl. 

You can guess that ___. 1. Sara was unfriendly 2. Sara was kind and sharing 3. The little girl wanted two cakes

2. Sara was kind and sharing


I finally finished my book! I began with one word, and now, 100,000 words later, I am done. It has taken me more than two long years of working at it nearly every day. I wrote, edited and rewrote about 250 words a day. I cannot imagine trying to do all of this by a deadline. I chose to do this on my own, and I completed it! 

How does the writer feel now that she is done?

She feels proud, relieved, accomplishment.


My friend Tommy and I started to hang around an older girl in the neighborhood. This girl liked to make trouble. She wanted to do something interesting. She took out some matches and began to light some small sticks and burn some small things. Now, my dad was a fireman, and I have to tell you that I did not like what she was doing. 

What was the problem with the older girl?

She was dangerous.


I am looking forward to a trip. We'll go during one of the busiest travel times of the year. We usually gather at Grandma and Grandpa's house for turkey, mashed potatoes and pumpkin pie. It is always a delicious time! I can't wait to go! When is the trip?

During Thanksgiving


I wasn't sure how to work it. I am tech-challenged. I pushed several buttons. Finally, a tray opened. I laid the DVD into it. I pushed more buttons and the tray slid back into the machine. I pressed the button marked "play." I was shocked when the movie started. 

Why does the person have trouble with the DVD player?

They don't know how to use it.


Terry owned a miniature poodle that weighed all of six pounds. She loved to walk her dog. People laughed, though, when they heard what she called him. You can guess that Terry called her dog ___. 1. Tiny 2. Peanut 3. Big Dog

3. Big Dog
