I begin in the morning at sunrise and last until sunset. "Yester" is always the one before and "to" is the one right now. What am I?
What is today?
In the future, a lonely creature survives alone on a doomed and dead planet Earth. A spaceship lands, delivering a female creature. Both of them realize that Earth may not be doomed after all, but they must deliver a key item to the leader to prove that Earth can be saved. What movie am I?
What is Wall*E?
A game requiring two teams of nine players each. The offense attempts to score runs by hitting a ball that is thrown. Players must run counter-clockwise around a series of bases before returning to their starting point to score a run. What sport am I?
What is baseball?
Stanley pinched his arm and blinked his eyes, but nothing he did seemed to work. His head felt so heavy! His eyes drooped. He shook himself. His mom would be so mad if he didn't pay attention! How does Stanley feel?
What is sleepy?
You see police and fire engines racing down your street towards your neighbors house. What can you infer?
What is an accident or fire occurred?
I come from a cane or from a beet. You might say I make things sweet. I can be white or brown or in a powder like snow. What am I?
What is sugar?
A young man sets out on an adventure after the deaths of his aunt and uncle. He goes with an old mentor to save a Princess from a ruthless man who is on a mission to take over the galaxy. What movie am I?
What is Star Wars: IV?
A sport in which a person rides on the forward or deep face of a moving wave using a board. Competitors are not allowed to use tools to aid in their balance on the wave. What sport am I?
What is surfing?
Jane kicked the pile of clothes on the floor of her bedroom. "It's so unfair! How come Jake gets to go to his friend's house when his room is just as dirty?" Jane said out loud to her empty bedroom. How is Jane feeling?
What is upset/frustrated/angry?
If you forgot to study for a test, you can infer what?
What is you will do poorly on the test?
I am not alive, but I grow; I don't have lungs, but I need air; I don't have a mouth, but water kills me. What am I?
What is fire?
A cowboy and a space ranger fight for the attentions of the same person. An accident puts the space ranger in danger and the cowboy is forced to help him, despite their differences. What movie am I?
What is Toy Story?
A game or sport in which players on two teams try to throw balls at one another while avoiding being hit themselves. What sport or game am I?
What is dodge-ball?
Tom opened his locker and a piece of paper fluttered out. Surprised, he picked it up and opened it. His face got hot and turned red. His friend Harold saw him blushing and asked, "What's the note say?" How is Tom feeling?
What is embarrassed?
Who makes it and has no need of it, who buys it, but has no use for it and who uses it can neither see nor feel it. What is it?
What is a coffin?
I am no sooner spoken than broken. What am I?
What is silence?
A boy and a scientist create a machine that allows them to travel through time. The boy accidentally activates the machine while trying to escape their enemies and travels to the past. His actions cause serious problems which he must fix before returning to his own time period.
What is Back to the Future?
A competitive winter sport in which the participant uses special gear on their feet to glide across snow. Poles are used to guide the person in specific directions. What sport am I?
What is skiing?
Shelley jumped up and down, trying to look past all of the people in front of her. She could hear screaming and squeals. Her friend Amy grabbed her arm. "Look, there they are!" They both pulled out their phones and started taking video. How is Shelley feeling?
What is excited/happy?
What can travel around the world while staying in a corner?
What is a stamp on a letter?
When you have it, you feel like sharing it, but if you share it, you don't have it. What is it?
What is a secret?
A teenage girl competes in a dangerous public event to protect her sister from the same fate. What movie am I?
What is the Hunger Games?
A fictional sport in which matches are played between two teams of seven players each. Four different balls are used, a quaffle, two bludgers and a golden snitch. Six ring shaped goals are posted on poles at different heights, with three hoops on each side of the field. What sport am I?
What is Quidditch?
John punched the steering wheel of his car. "C'mon, people let's go!" He yelled. There were red brake lights as far as the eye could see. He inched forward for at least an hour, and when he finally got to the point where the jam started, there was nothing there! How does John feel?
What is angry/frustrated/annoyed?
Which word in the dictionary is spelled incorrectly?
What is incorrectly?