Making Inferences
Making Connections
Making Predictions
Types of Conflict
Character Traits

Elizabeth was so proud of her garden. She planted the seeds early in the spring and watered the plants every morning. Last Friday, her mom called and asked her to come over for the weekend because she was feeling sick. When Elizabeth came back home, her plants were bent and drooping. Why were the plants drooping? How do you know?

She had not watered them for a few days, so the plants were not doing well.


What is a Text-To-Self connection?

Text-to-self connections are highly personal connections that a reader makes between a piece of reading material and the reader’s own experiences or life.


Kendel looked out the airplane's window.  She is still on the ground but the trees and road appeared to begin zooming by.  All of a sudden, she could feel the plane tilt upward. Predict what will happen next? A. Kendel's plane will land. B. Kendel will get onto the plane. C. Kendel will take off her seatbelt. D. Kendel's plane will move into the sky.

D. Kendell's plane will move into the sky.


Internal or External?

You're told you're not tall enough for the team

What is external

  •  Mary had been trying to solve the same math problem for an hour. She kept writing and rewriting the problem over and over again. When she kept getting the wrong answer, she put her hands on her head, leaned back in her chair and said, “I quit!!!! I will never get it right!!!” Then she tore up the paper and threw it away.

          Mary felt ___________ trying to solve the problem.

a. sad                               b. frustrated

c. tired                              d. worried     



My mom and I waited in line with the rest of the passengers. My mom handed the lady our tickets. The lady smiled at her and said, "Have a great flight!" Where am I? a) school b) bus stop c) train station d) airport  

d) airport. key words: waiting in line, tickets, flight


Carlos read Stargirl and is in a situation like Stargirl.People want him to change because he is different compared to everyone else, but he likes himself the way he is. What kind of connection is Carlos making.



The scared goat was stuck on the top of a hill. The hill was pretty steep.  If the sheep herder made any sudden moves, what might next happen to the sheet? A. It would fall down the hill. B. It would walk bravely down the hill. C. It would go up a tree. D. It would skate down the hill

A. It would fall down the hill


You enter an abandoned house and must fight off a demon

What is person vs. supernatural

  • Kammy packed her own bag and put her pajamas, toothbrush, and favorite teddy bear in the bag. It was her first sleepover. She had never spent the night away from her home or family before. Kammy was not sure about what the night would be like at Christy’s house. She wanted to go, but she did not want her mother to leave.

          Spending the night at her friend’s house made Kammy __________.

          a. relaxed                          b. nervous

          c. sad                               d. courteous



If I went to sleep late at night, I could infer that...

I will be very tired and sleepy the next day. I will accidentally oversleep and be late to school.


What is a Text-To-Text connection?

When you connect the characters or situations from the book you are reading to another book or other form of media


Allen spent a summer day working for his aunt. They trimmed the grass, weeds, and bushes. They were both hot, sweaty, and dirty. Allen's aunt said, "We're done. Let's get out of this heat." What do you think Jeff did as soon as he went inside? A. went into the bathroom to take a bath B. cooked dinner  C. cut the grass D. put on new clothes

A. went into the bathroom to take a bath


There's a powerful storm that knocks out the power during your favorite TV show

What is person vs. nature


 Aiden always said “please” and “thank you” when he asked for things. If he bumped into someone he said “excuse me.” He never interrupted others when they were speaking and waited patiently for his turn. He also held the doors for others and never cut in the line. Aiden always considered the feelings of others and never said anything hurtful or mean to anyone.

Aiden was always ____________ to others.

a. respectful                            b. disruptive

c. mean                                  d. apologetic




Beep! Beep! It was raining hard and some of the drivers were losing their patience. "I wonder why there is so much traffic", Valerie thought. As she drove, she saw an ambulance and police cars. What is causing the traffic? How do you know?

There was a car accident and it is blocking some of the lanes in the road.


Kayla read the Breadwinner and remembered learning about Afghanistan in Social Studies. The main character goes through problems that many children in Afghanistan go through everyday. What kind of connection did Kayla make?



Dylan and Mika have a school dance on Saturday at 8. Dylan's parents picks up Mika at 7:00 p.m., and they go to dinner to a place 10 minutes away from the school before heading to the dance. Dylan and Mika's food order takes longer than expected. When they finally get their food, it is already 7:50 p.m. What probably happens next? A. Dylan and Mika asks for to go bags B. Dylan decides not to go to the dance and Mika goes ahead without him. C. Mika is angry that that the food is late and throws a tantrum. D. Dylan  leaves Mika at the restaraunt while he goes to dance

A. Dylan and Mika asks for to go bags


Your phone charger won't work  

What is person vs. technology?


Katie wanted to go to the party. She did not want to wait any more for her mom to finish her errands. She kept asking her mother “Are you done yet?” and “When can we go to the party?” She crossed her arms and huffed and puffed. Then she started kicking her feet on the back of her mother’s seat and whining.

Katie was very ______________.

a. sloppy                                b. generous

c. impatient                            d. calm



I am big and gray. I use mud to cool me down. I have a trunk but don't travel much. I knock down trees and I cannot reach the branches. What am I?



Percy Jackson reminds me a lot of Harry Potter. He was an outcast that didn't really belong in the beginning of the story who found out that he was different and special in some way.



The movie starts at 7:30 pm, but Ken's wife doesn't get off work until 6:00 pm. Ken is excited about seeing the new scary movie and wants to see it tonight! What do you predict Ken will do? A. Select another movie to see, instead. B. Asks the manager to change the movie time C. Ask his wife to ask her boss if she can leave early. D. Choose to go to the 9:00 p.m. showing of the scary movie

D. Choose to go to the 9:00 p.m. showing of the scary movie


A character struggles against an issue affecting an entire community.

What is person vs. society


Melissa loved being around her baby cousin. She always made sure that he had all of the toys and snacks that he needed. She played with him and made sure that he was happy. As soon as her cousin started to cry, she would hop up and get whatever he needed. She always wanted him to be happy.

Melissa is a very ___________ cousin.

a. caring                                b. lazy

c. annoying                            d. bossy

