
The hippo waited near the entrance.  The zookeeper came near with a bucket of vegetables.

The phrase, waited near the entrance, shows the reader the hippo is...

What is....... hungry


Why does the rainbow glow? Why does the bird chirp?  Why does the wind whisper?  My soul cries out, "The beauty of nature!"

The phrase, why does the, repeat...

A.  to emphasize the poet's curiosity                      B.  to emphasize a feeling of happiness                 C.  to show  how to ask questions

What is.....A.  to emphasize the poet's curiosity


Paul Bunyan's cook knows what the famous lumberjack loves for breakfast.  He is preparing a feast for Paul and his friends one morning.  Paul stops working when he smells maple syrup in the air and sees his cook flipping a circular object over a sizzling griddle.  What can you conclude the chef is making for breakfast?

What is ...... pancakes


Cinderella managed to finish all her chores in time to go to the royal ball.  She gets dressed and heads outside to ride with her stepmother and stepsisters in the family car.  She soon realizes they left her at home and she must find her own way to the palace.  She spots a large, yellow, long vehicle with many rows of seats at the end of the street.  She climbs the stairs into the vehicle and starts up the engine.  What kind of vehicle did Cinderella drive to the Royal Ball?

What is.... a school bus


"Show and Tell" day was considered the biggest event of the third grade.  Amy was up next.  She stood up from her desk and wiped her sweaty palms on her dress.  After a deep breath, she picked up her rock collection and headed to the front of the classroom

What inference can you make?

What is..... Amy is nervous to present her rock collection to the class....


The zookeeper blew a whistle, and the hippo walked toward a tree.  Then the zookeeper dumped the bucket of vegetables in a trough.

The phrase, blew a whistle, shows the reader the hippo is.....

What is......the hippo is trained that the whistle means he's going to be fed


I froze right there!  In front of the angry bear ..  I could not run away!  I did not want to stay!

Why does the poet use exclamation marks?

A.  to show how loud the bear was                            B.  to express the poet's fear                                    C.  to emphasize the bear's surprise                                  

What is...... B.  to express the poet's fear


The Three Bears walked into their home in the woods after a morning hike.  Goldilocks was upstairs asleep in their beds.  At the table they found chopsticks and a fortune cookie.  What kind of food did Goldilocks eat for lunch?

What is ...... chinese food


Pecos Bill and Slue-Foot Sue went on a date one night.  They'd never been to this place before, but couldn't wait to try it.  They bought their tickets, got food at  the concession stand, and went to find their seats in a large, dark room.  Suddenly a large screen in front of them lit up and speakers blared loudly.  Pecos Bill and Slue-Foot Sue really enjoyed the next two hours.  Where did they go?

What is..... the movies


The waiter took a green rag out of his back pocket and used it to pick up the plate up off of the tray.  He carefully placed it in front of Tina.  Tina reached out to pull the plate closer to her but her mother saved her by slapping her hand.

What inference can you make?

What is..... the plate is hot


"Gabby! Run!"  the zookeeper yelled.  A baby hippo was running full speed toward Gabby.

The phrase, running full speed, shows the reader that Gabby is.....

What is..... danger


In Ireland the castles are made of stone.  They have large fireplaces in the center of the castles for the long winters.

The reader can infer...

A.  winters are cold in Antartica                                B.  all castles in Ireland are small                            C.  it is cold during the long winters in Ireland

What is..... C.  it is cold during the long winters in Ireland


Rapunzel's Prince freed her from the tower.  She went to the palace salon the next day for a new hairdo.  Rapunzel is amazed at how much lighter her head feels and the Prince loves her new chocolate-colored locks.  What changes did Rapunzel make to her appearance at the salon?

What is.... hair cut and dyed her hair


The Boy Who Cried Wolf grew up to work as a cashier at a jewelry store.  He grew tired of his work and decided to have some fun.  One afternoon he cried out, "Help, help, I'm being robbed!"  The police were called and not happy when the boy admitted it was a joke.  The next day, robbers really did rob the store, and the police wouldn't come.  The robbers only took the most expensive, shiny, clear-colored jewel in the bank.  What can we conclude the robbers stole.

What is...... Diamonds


Tyler dribbled down the field before kicking the ball right into the net.  The goalie never even saw it coming!  His teammates came up behind him and started jumping up and down around him.  The crowd cheered loudly as the other team began to walk off the field.

What inference can you make?

What is..... Tyler scored the winning goal while playing his soccer game.


Gabby's heart pounded out of her chest.  Then she thought, "I think I can climb that tree."  Only, she didn't predict what happened next.

The phrase, pounded out of her chest, shows the reader that Gabby is.....

What is ....... terrified


"Gabby! Run!" the zookeeper yelled.  A baby hippo was running full speed toward Gabby.

Why does the author use exclamation marks?

A.  to show the importance of the hippos health         B.  to describe the speaker's thoughts                       C.  to emphasize the danger of the situation

What is......C.  to emphasize the danger of the situation


A crowd of people have come out to cheer on the runners in a children's marathon.  There is one particular runner catching everyone's attention.  It is a boy made of batter, icing, and candy chips.  As he's running, he's yelling to the others behind him, "Run, run, as fast as you can!  You can't catch me!"  Who do you suppose the mysterious runner is?

Who is..... the Gingerbread man


Word spread fast about the Three Little Pigs strong brick house that kept the wolf away.  Soon everyone was requesting that the pigs build them a house too.  They agreed to help build people new houses, so long as each house had one important thing.  The pigs were certain that each house needed something that fires were built in.  It kept the big, bad, wolf away from the pigs.  What can we conclude the pigs built in each house?

What is..... a Chimney


As the lights dimmed, Sarah smiled and took a drink from her soda.  She suddenly felt a tap on her shoulder, her mother was asking her to share popcorn.

What inference can you make?

What is..... they are at the movies and the movie is about to start


I froze right there!

In front of the angry bear

I could not run away!

I did not want to stay

The phrase, froze right there, helps the reader infer that the poet.....

What is ...... couldn't move


In 1849, a gold rush changed California forever.  Many small towns were turned into booming cities.  It was a major event in history... a sight to see?

The author most likely believes the gold rush of 1849...

A.  is the most important event in history                   B.  was an interesting event in California                 C.  didn't have a large impact on California

What is..... B.  was an interesting event in California


Snow White is getting married to her handsome Prince.  She is wedding dress shopping with her seven dwarf friends.  They agree she is not a traditional bride and do not want her to wear a white wedding dress.  After trying many dresses on, they agree to the perfect dress.  It reminds them of sweet scarlet berries and the first color of the rainbow.  What color is Snow White's wedding dress?

What is ..... RED


The Frog Prince and beautiful Princess became the best of friends.  They loved to play all sorts of games together.   One of their favorite games was hide and seek.  The Frog Prince counted to twenty while the Princess ran off to hide.  She found a spot in a quiet, dark room full of hangers and clothes.  There were ball gowns hanging and shoes stacked neatly.  Where did the Princess hide?

What is..... the Closet


The sky was becoming a dark gray.  Sarah covered her head with the hood of her jacket and began to sprint towards her house.  She made it inside just in time.

What inference can you make?

What is.... she didn't get wet because she was inside before the rain started
