Emma had no idea what happened. She was on the floor and saw that her coffee had spilt all around her. She looked at her shoes to see that the left one was untied. Her friend Richard helped her back up to her feet.

What happened to Emma? What in the text lets us know?

She tripped over her shoe laces: The text states that she was on the ground and that she dropped her coffee. Also, a friend help


Maddie bounced up and down on her new gift. She loved to jump higher and higher. She tried to do a flip and bounced back up while laughing. What did Maddie get as a gift? What in the text lets us know?

A trampoline: We know this because of her description of the gift. She bounced up higher and higher


James filled the outside tub with water. He placed the shampoo and towel on the ground and shouted for Rover to come out of the house. Rover came running out but quickly ran back inside when he saw the tub. What do you think James will do next? Why did Rover run away? What in the text lets us know?

Get Rover to give him a bath: We know this because he set up everything for the dog’s bath.


Percy stared at the big new box. He looked at all of the colors inside. He couldn’t wait to try out the turqoise one. He thought of all the pictures he would make for his grandparents. What did Percy get? What in the text lets us know?

A new box of crayons: The text states all the colors in a box and how he was going to make pictures with them.


Trina put the X in the top right corner. Collin placed an O in the center and waited for Trina’s next move. Collin placed his last O and shouted, “I won!” What is Trina and Collin playing? What in the text lets us know?

Playing Tic-Tac-Toe: We know this because both people were placing x’s and o’s. Also Collin states, “I won!”


Margaret packed her toothbrush, pajamas and her favorite movies. Gigi had been her best friend since first grade and she couldn’t wait to stay up all night sharing scary stories and watching movies. Where is Margaret going? What else do you think they will do? What in the text lets us know?

To a sleep over: We know this because she said she was packing and staying up all night with her friend Gigi.


“I really need another pair” thought Warren. He had worn them for a year now and they were really tight on his feet. “Maybe I will ask for new ones on my birthday” he thought. What do you think Warren is going to ask for? What in the text lets us know?

He is going to ask for shoes: We know this because the text states that they were on his feet and they were tight. It also mentions a “pair”


Brenda put the key in the ignition and turned. She adjusted her mirrors to make sure she could see properly. She turned on the radio and found a good station before backing out of the driveway. Where is Brenda? What in the text lets us know?

In her car: We know this because she puts a key in the ignition, adjusts mirrors and is located in a driveway.


Tammy packed her clothes, toothbrush and sleeping bag. Morgan was bringing the tent and Alice was bringing the marshmallows for smores. Where is Tammy going? What in the text lets us know?

The girls are going camping: We know this because they are packing and bringing all things required for camping outside.


Patrick put on his yellow suit. He grabbed the suntan lotion and rubbed it onto his skin. He grabbed his sunglasses and put on his flip flops before leaving the house. He ran back inside because he forgot his towel. Where is Patrick going? What in the text lets us know?

To the pool or beach: The text states that he was wearing a bathing suit, suntan lotion and flip flops, so we know it’s hot weather.


Cameron had finished all his homework. He turned on the system and waited for the screen to lite up. He grabbed the blue controller and clicked on his favorite game. What is Cameron doing? What in the text lets us know?

Playing video games: The text mentions that he turned on the system and you use a controller with video games.


Gina placed another scoop of vanilla on top. She poured rainbow colored sprinkles and added a cherry. She handed it to the excited customer. Where does Gina work? What in the text lets us know?

Gina works at an ice cream shop: We know this because the text mentions a bunch of products that are found in an ice cream shop (sprinkles, scoops, cherries).


“Ouch!” shouted Fred as he looked down at his arm. His elbow was in pain and it started to turn red. He saw the yellow and black insect fly out the window before he could catch it. What happened to Fred? What in the text lets us know?

Fred was stung by a bee: We know this because he felt pain and then saw a yellow and black insect (bee) fly away.


Rita chose the pink and sat down at the table. The shop owner cut and filed her nails. She then brushed the pink on top and let them dry for 10 minutes before paying and leaving the store. Where is Rita? What did she have done? What in the text lets us know?

She got a manicure: We know this because she states that she picked out a polish. She also had her nails cut and filed.


Tiffany opened her eyes and looked in the mirror. It was much shorter and even felt lighter. She looked on the floor to see all the pieces that had been cut off. She hoped her friends would love it as much as she did. Where is Tiffany? What did she do? What in the text lets us know?

Tiffany is at the hair salon: we know this because she sees that her hair is shorter and lighter. Also because the hair clipings are on the floor.


Evelyn looked in her bookbag but couldn’t find them anywhere. She remembered taking them this morning before leaving the house. She knew her mother wouldn’t be home for another hour. She sat on the steps and would have to wait. What did Evelyn forget? What in the text lets us know?

Evelyn forgot her keys: We know this because she has to wait outside for her mom to get back and can’t open the door.


Reese had been reading about dinosaurs for a month in anticipation of her school’s field trip. She couldn’t wait to see the tricerotops and maybe even the T-Rex. She got on the bus and buckled up for the ride. Where is Reese going? What in the text lets us know?

To the museum- The text states that she had been reading up on dinosaurs and they can be found in a museum.


Bo looked down at his right foot. The doctor told him he couldn’t play soccer for another 3 months. He read all the signatures on his foot and thought of his teammates. He grabbed his crutches and hobbled into the kitchen. What do you think happened to Bo? What in the text lets us know?

He broke his leg: We know this because he has signatures on his cast and can’t play for a few months


Marin chose the purple paper because it was her mother’s favorite color. She placed it over the picture frame she bought her for Mother’s Day. She cut the loose paper and taped it closed. She added a bow on top. What is Marin doing? What in the text lets us know?

Wrapping a present: We know this because the text states that she placed the paper over the gift and put a bow on top.


Hailey drew the balloons on the front cover. She hoped her father would love the poem she wrote inside it. She put it in an envelope and attached it to his birthday gift. What did Hailey make? What in the text lets us know?

A card for her Dad’s birthday: We know this because she drew ballons on it, placed it in an envelope and then attached it to his gift.


Elise went into the living room with her hammer and nails. She measured the wall and thought it would look perfect on the left side of the fireplace. She took her hammer and banged a nail into the wall. She then placed it atop the nail. It looked perfect! What is Elise doing? What in the text lets us know?

Hanging up a picture on the wall: We know this because she uses a hammer and a nail to place it next to the fireplace.


Annie and Liz gave their tickets to the man at the front. He told them to enjoy the show. They chose two seats in the front row. They both bought small popcorns with butter. They settled down just in time for the coming attractions. Where is Annie and Liz? What in the text lets us know?

. At the movies: The text states that they needed tickets, bought popcorn and watched coming attractions.


Layla and her family walked into the large building. She loved the large fountain in the front. Her dad walked up to the counter and stated that he would like to check in. The lady gave him a card and said enjoy your stay in room 205. Where is Layla and her family? What in the text lets us know?

At a hotel: The text states that her family “checked in” and was going to be staying in room 205.


Claire walked up and down the shore. She found another good one and placed it in her bucket. She loved the feel of the ocean rolling onto her bare feet. What is Claire doing? What in the text lets us know?

Collecting seashells: We know this because Claire is at the beach and collecting things from the ocean.


Dean’s legs hurt but he was so close to the finish line. He could hear his family and friends cheering from the bleachers. He passed Madison and Paul to take first place. He crossed the finish line and sat down to catch his breath. What is Dean doing? What in the text lets us know?

Running a race: We know this because his legs hurt, he passes the finish line and wins first place. He also stops to catch his breath.
