Inferencing 1
Inferencing 2
Inferencing 3
Inferencing 4

Splat! "Oh, rats!" thought Katie

as she stooped to clean up the mess. "I hope we have another one." She looked in the fridge and pulled out the carton. One left! Breakfast wasn't ruined after all.

What did Katie clean up? How do you know?

Katie cleaned up a broken egg. 


Micah hid behind the bushes.

Soon, a group of older boys walked by talking and laughing. Micah's heart was beating fast. He tried not to make any noise. Micah waited until he could not hear the boys anymore. Then he picked up his books and walked home.

Why was Micah hiding? What makes you think so?

Micah was afraid of the older boys. 


 It was May 10th. Jenson shut the door to his bedroom. Then he found the present he had hidden in the back of his closet. He wrapped it carefully in pink paper. "Only three days until Sunday!" He thought.

Who will Jenson give his present to?

Why do you think so?

Jebson will give the present to his mother for mother's day. 


 Susie looked down at her beautiful dress. She looked like a princess! The music started to play. She held the flowers tightly and started to walk slowly towards the front. Everyone smiled as she walked by.

Where is Susie?

Why do you think so?

Susie is the the flower girl at a wedding. 


The scout leader looked at the sky

and muttered something under his

breath. Then he looked at the map. "Let's get moving." he called to the group of tired boys. "The faster the better."

What do you think the scout leader was feeling?

Why do you think so?

THe scout leader was feeling worried because he thought a storm was coming . 


  Jenna went upstairs and quietly she peeked into a dark room. She listened for a moment, and then went back downstairs. She washed the dinner dishes and then she studied for an Algebra test until Mr. and Mrs. Olson got home.

Why did Jenna go upstairs?

What makes you think so?

Jenna went upstairs to check on the child she was babysitting. 


 Cody knew he was in big trouble. He looked glumly at the math test on the desk in front of him. The door opened and Mr. Anders came into the office. "I've called your parents and they are on their way" he said.Why is Cody in trouble?

What makes you think so?

Cody is in trouble because he cheated on his math test. 


 The bus was full of children. Everyone was laughing and talking. Ben scratched a mosquito bite on his leg. It had been a fun week, but he was glad that tonight he would be sleeping in his own bed instead of in a sleeping bag.

Where was the bus coming from?

How do you know?

The bus is coming from summer camp. 


It was 8:30 on Thursday night.

Molly stared at the large, empty poster board on her bed. Then she looked at the stack of books about Abraham Lincoln on her desk. Molly began to cry.

Why do you think Molly was crying?

What makes you think so?

Molly had not started a school project that was due the next day. 


Ana and Sophie sat in their chairs staring straight ahead for nearly two hours. They did not talk or hardly even move, but they were not bored at all.

Where were Ana and Sophie?

What makes you think so?

Ana and Sophie were at the movies. 

Mom lit three lanterns. "There, that's better." she said. Clark turned off his flashlight. The house was quiet except for the sound of the wind blowing through the trees outside.

Why did Mom light the lantern?

What makes you think so?

The wind storm made the power go out. 


Carlos looked down at the people far below. It was a little scary to be so high, but he knew he was safe. The sun felt hot. Carlos decided to buy a snow cone when he was on the ground again.

Where is Carlos? How do you know?

Carlos was on a ferris wheel at an amusement park or fair. 


"Ouch!" Luca had fallen again!

He shivered and picked himself back up. Then he spotted his older sister Senna, gliding backwards. She was so graceful. Luca made everything look so easy.

What is Luca doing? How do you know?

Luca was learning to ice skate. 


  Derek ran up the court, "I'm open!" he yelled toward the boy with the ball. The boy passed the ball to Derek and he made his shot! The crowd cheered as two more points were added to the scoreboard.

What game was Derek playing?

How do you know?

Derek was playing basketball. 

 Sasha handed the book to the librarian. The librarian opened the book and found crayon scribbles on almost every page. "I'm really sorry," said Sasha. "I should have kept the book in my room."

What happened to Sasha's library book?

Why do you think so?


Sasha's younger brother or sister scribbled in the library book. 


People kept coming over to visit Rhonda's family. They brought food and gifts. Many of the visitors asked Rhonda how she liked being a big sister.

Why were so many people coming to visit Rhonda's family?

What makes you thinks so?

People are coming to visit because Rhonda's mother has had a baby. 
