Inferences 1
Figurative Language/Idioms
Multiple Meaning

Ryan was looking forward to sleeping over at his friend Robert's house. Though they had been classmates for a while, the two had only recently become good friends. Ryan packed up his sleeping bag, a pillow, and a few of his favorite toys and games, and then his mom dropped him off at Robert's. Robert met Ryan on the porch and the two did their secret handshake and started playing right away. First they played pirates in Robert's tree fort. Next they played ninjas in the driveway. Then it started getting dark and they went inside of Robert's house. As soon as they walked in the house, Ryan's eyes starting getting red and itchy. He saw a big orange cat sitting on the couch. Then he started sneezing uncontrollably. "I'm sorry, Robert. It's been a lot of fun, but I have to call my mom." 

Why do Ryan's eyes get red and itchy when he walks into Robert's house? 

He is allergic to the cat "He saw a big orange cat sitting on the couch. Then he started sneezing uncontrollably." 

We know when you are allergic to something you sneeze. When you are allergic and cant stop sneezing, your eyes are red and itchy 


Jamil hurried to type in the information his boss had given him. It was always a rush to finish this chore. Jamil's boss never made his decisions until he had been to the fish market and chosen the freshest items he could find. Jamil typed in the headings for his document: first, second and third. Then he filled in tonight's information while it was still fresh in his memory. He added prices and printed out a copy for his boss to approve. 

What kind of document is Jamil making?

menu for tonights specials 


The ball is in your court

What does it mean? It’s up to you

How do you use it? It’s your move now, but this idiom refers to life rather than a sport. If you’ve got the ‘ball,’ the decision is yours and someone is waiting for your decision.


give two meanings of the word Fall and use them in a sentence




You can count on me if you need to connect with a friend, a family member or, even, a stranger. Oh and by the way, lest I forget to mention, I have a ring but no fingers. What am I?



Carrie was at last coming to the end of a very long evening. As she sat on the couch, exhausted, Carrie thought about everyting that had gone wrong that night. It all started when Liza refused to eat her strained peas. Liza had decided to throw them across the room. When Liza couldn't sleep, Carrie had tried to soothe her by singing a lullaby. But that only caused more crying and screaming. Carrie decided it would be a long time before she worked for the Henderson's again. 

Who was Liza?

What was Carrie doing at the Henderson's?

Liza is a baby

Carrie is babysitting


Francine's heart raced as she stepped out onto the stage and made her way to the podium.  "Why would they want to elect someone like me?" she thought.

Francine knew she had the skills for the job. She knew she could help make high school a better place. What she didn't know was if they would give her the votes she needed to make it happen.

Why is Francine giving a speech

Who is Georgie?

She is running for an office ... e.g., class president


Sat on the fence

What does it mean? To be undecided

How do you use it? If you’re sat on the fence, you’ve not decided which side of an argument you agree with. ‘I’m on the fence about hot yoga classes,’ translates as ‘I’m not sure whether I enjoy yoga in a sauna yet.’


give 2 meanings of the word palm and use it in a sentence

palm tree

palm hand


You buy it to eat, but you don’t eat it. What is it?

A plate, fork, spoon, knife, dining table, etc. The answer can be a lot of things, anything that you use to serve or eat food.


No one could play cards as well as Gordie. He always seemed to come out on top. None of the neighborhood kids ever played for money, just for fun. Still, it was never much fun when Gordie played. He took the game very seriously. The only person who didn't mind his attitude was Howie. The games went on like that for quite a while. That is, until Felicia saw Howie giving a hand signal. That was when everyone knew just how much Gordie wanted to win. 

What secret did Felicia uncover?

Gordie is cheating and Howie is helping.


Sam doesn’t have a pencil for math AGAIN, so she asks Paul for one. Paul rolls his eyes says no. Why might Paul say no?

   Because she always forgets a pencil and never returns the ones she borrows.


Take it with a pinch of salt

What does it mean? Don’t take it too seriously

How do you use it? ‘I heard that elephants can fly now, but Sam often makes up stories so I take everything he says with a pinch of salt.’


give two meanings of the word change and use it in a sentence.



replace something with something else


Hang on to me and I'll never let you fall Find me in a toolbox, but rare is it to see me in a wall What am I?

A nail or screw.


ndre and Kate were convinced that the old house was deserted. After all, no one had been seen coming in or out for the past year. At last, Kate could no longer stand the suspense.  She dared Andre to solve the mystery simply by knocking on the door. When the two friends saw the frail, limping old man appear, they knew he was someone who needed their help.  

Why doesn't the man leave his house?

He may be too ill. 

He may be too frail.


I dropped the ball on that one

 I made a mistake, it was my fault


Go down in flames

What does it mean? To fail spectacularly

How do you use it? This phrase is fairly obvious. ‘That exam went down in flames, I should have learned my English idioms.’


give 2 meanings of the word ship and use them in a sentence.

He had to ship the package overnight.

I rode on a ship to the Bahamas


What goes up and never comes down?

your age


Tony walked out of the shopping mall with his arms full of bags and the sun shining on him. As he approached his car, he started awkwardly feeling around his pockets with his arm full of bags. He did not find what he was looking for so he transferred the bags on one arm to the other arm, which already had bags. Tony had a lot of bags on one arm. He still couldn't find what he was looking for. Now he dropped the bags and plunged both hands desperately into all of the pockets on his jeans. With a look of despair, Tony ran to his car. He tried to open the door, but it was locked. Then he saw something on the passenger seat of the car. He stopped looking and pulled his phone out of his pocket. 

What does Tony see on the seat of his car?

Why did he pull the phone out of his pocket?

His keys 

To call someone for help


Samuel was out for a walk when it started to rain. He did not have an umbrella and he wasn't wearing a hat. His clothes were soaked yet not a single hair on his head got wet. How could this happen?

he is bald


See eye to eye

What does it mean? To agree completely

How do you use it? We’re not suggesting a staring contest – to see eye to eye with someone is to agree with the point they’re making.


give 2 meanings for the word bark

bark on a tree

dog barking


What's as big as you are yet doesn't weigh an ounce?

your shadow
