Inferencing 1
Inferencing 2
Inferencing 3
Inferencing 4
Inferencing 5

Tyrone bought a bed, a ball, and a special toy with his own money. Today was a big day!  What can we infer? 

Tyrone was getting a new pet, likely a dog!

He returned the baseball Jim lent him, nervously hoping that he would not notice that something was different. What can we infer?
He likely lost Jim's baseball and tried to replace it without telling him.

The kitchen was clean when Mom went to work. When she came home, there was trash all over the floor and the crate door was wide open. What can we infer?

The dog got out of the crate and into the garbage


Karen's son came out of school with giant grin on his face holding a shirt with the number 2 on it- his lucky number!  WHat can we infer? 

her son made a team and chose his favorite number for his jersey


Wes knew the Magic Carrot Restaurant was a popular place to eat. How did he know that?

There was always a long wait for a table. 


Zane overheard his older brother talking to his friend about what time his parents were leaving and sending a group text with his address to all his friends.  What can we infer? 

Zane's older brother is planning a party when his parents leave. 


Joey searched all over the house in every little spot he could think of, mumbling to himself that he should have been more careful with the latch on the cage. What can we infer? 

Joey left the cage door open to his pet- likely a small pet like a hamster or gerbil! 


He was having a hard time seeing his friend today, who was probably feeling quite ecstatic, after the results of football tryouts came out.

What can we infer about this situation? 

He is jealous of his friend who made the football team. 


Bo was sure there must be an accident on the street and that he would be late for school. What can we infer? 

There was heavy traffic on his route to school. 


Nikki remembered it  was a federal holiday as soon as she looked in her mailbox. How did she know?

Her mailbox was empty.


A sign on a restaurant window said "The Blue Cow Restaurant is expanding thanks to all our customers. Please excuse the mess." What can we infer?

Business is good and more customers are eating at the Blue Cow Restaurant so they are adding space. 


Brayden left it right by the stop sign, but when he came out of the store there was nothing there and he wondered how he would get home? What can we infer? 

Brayden's bike or scooter was misplaced or stolen. 


She sat down at the table and grimaced at both the smell and sight of what was in front  of her. 

What can we infer about this situation?

She does not like what is being served for her meal.


Sam looked up at the stairs as if they were Mount Everest.He wondered how he could make it up. What can we infer? 

Sam must have something wrong with his legs- perhaps is on crutches. 


Many homes were destroyed or severely damaged by a storm. Kendra's family was lucky. What happened to Kendra's home?

It did not get very damaged. 


The news instructed people in Fairfx to evacuate the area as the winds were picking up and the flames were likely to spread more quickly.  What can we infer? 

There was a fire in farifax and the houses were in danger. 


Maggie opened her eyes and panicked.  How could this have happened today of all days when she needs to get an A!  What can we infer? 

Maggie overslept and missed an important test. 


They put on their uniforms but sadly looked at the jersey hanging on the wall.  They could not help feel that the team just wasn't going to be the same.  

What can we infer about this situation? 

One of their teammates was no longerr playing. 

Troy exercises now every day and is eating fruits and vegetables.  What can we infer? 

Troy wants to be healthier.


In the morning people were dressed in sweaters and pants. By the afternoon most of them had changed into short-sleeved shirts and shorts. What happened to the temperature?

It increased / It got warmer


Chance was enjoying the weather and a picnic lunch when suddenly he yelled in pain as it felt like he had gotten a shot at the doctor's office! What can we infer?

Chance got stung by something. 


Ray put all his equipment in his bag and was ready for the first day, but when he got to the fields no one was there.  What can we infer? 

Ray was ready for practice but either got the day, time or place wrong!


He stuffed the paper way down into his backpack and walked in the door to find his mom standing there with an angry look on her face! What can we infer?

He was hiding something, perhaps a bad test grade, from his mom but when he got home he saw that she probably already knew. 





Oil and water do not mix. Oil floats on top of water. Birds have oil in their feathers. How do you think the oil in feathers protects birds? 

The oils protect them when they get wet. The oils keep the water from penetrating the feathers, allowing birds to fly when they are wet. 
