Mia put on her coat, mittens, and scarf before going outside. What is the weather like?
It's cold outside.
Ben’s stomach growled, and he ran to the kitchen to make a sandwich. How is Ben feeling?
Ethan yawned, rubbed his eyes, and climbed into bed. How is Ethan feeling?
Olivia held her nose as she walked past the garbage can. Why did Olivia hold her nose?
The garbage smelled bad
Lucas turned off the lights, got under his blanket, and set his alarm. What time of day is it?
Oliver looked both ways before stepping off the curb. Where is Oliver?
At a crosswalk
Jake put on his swimsuit, grabbed his towel, and packed sunscreen. Where is Jake going?
The beach or the pool
The teacher passed out the test, and Mia’s hands started shaking. How is Mia feeling?
Scared or nervous
Sarah’s dad put gas in the car, checked the map, and packed snacks. What are Sarah and her family about to do?
James hid behind the couch, holding a squirt gun and giggling. He peeked around the corner, waiting. What do you think James is doing?
Playing a prank or getting ready to spray someone.
After finishing his math test, Carlos sighed in relief and smiled. How is Carlos feeling about the test?
He probably thinks he did well or he is glad it's over.
Liam heard the ice cream truck’s music and ran inside to grab his money. Why did Liam run inside?
He wanted to buy ice cream before the truck left
Emily walked out of the kitchen, fanning her hand and blowing on her fingers. What happened to Emily?
She touched something hot.
Sophia tiptoed into the kitchen and carefully opened the cookie jar, glancing over her shoulder. Why is Sophia tiptoeing and looking over her shoulder?
She does not want to get caught taking a cookie
The playground was empty, and the sky was gray. Raindrops started to hit the ground. Why is the playground empty?
The kids went inside because it was about to rain
Liam was excited to tell his friend Ethan about his new video game. As he talked, Ethan kept looking at his phone and nodding without saying much. How might Liam feel and why?
Liam might feel frustrated or unimportant because Ethan isn’t paying attention to him while he’s talking.
Lily walked into the lunchroom and looked around. She held her tray tightly, then sat at an empty table, staring at her food. How is Lily feeling and why?
She might be feeling lonely or nervous because she didn’t sit with anyone and looked around before choosing an empty table.
Daniel groaned when he looked at his alarm clock. He jumped out of bed, grabbed his backpack, and ran out the door with his shoes untied. What happened to Daniel?
He overslept and was late to school
Ava sat in the waiting room, biting her nails. When the nurse called her name, she took a deep breath and slowly walked in. How does Ava feel and why?
She is probably nervous because she is at the doctor’s office.
After playing soccer, Mateo wiped his forehead and drank a whole bottle of water. How is Mateo feeling?
Hot and thirsty