Social Inferences

Sally shivered as she ran across the sand to get her towel. Where was Sally?

At the beach


Annie looked at the stack of tests in front of her. She wanted them all corrected and graded to hand them back to the students tomorrow. 

What is Annie's job?

She is a teacher


Dorothy made scrambled eggs and fried the bacon. She put cereal bowls on the table for the younger children. 

When did this happen?

At breakfast time


That test was a piece of cake after I studied all weekend!

What does "piece of cake" mean?


You have a question about when an assignment is due but the teacher is busy and the other adults in the room are helping other students. Who else could you ask?

A friend or someone else in the class


The boys in front of Dillon kept jumping out of their seats to get more popcorn, candy, and soda. It was very annoying. Where was Dillon?

At the movies


The examination took about 20 minutes. The patient had to tell him all the letters he saw. Dr. Max said the new lenses would fit into the old frames and would be ready to pick up in a day or two.

What is Dr. Max's job?

He is an eye doctor


Nathan sleepily brushed his teeth, set his alarm clock, and turned off the light.

When did this happen?

At bedtime.


The teacher said, "That is enough monkey business! It's time to settle down and get to work."

What is "monkey business"?

Fooling around; being silly; not listening


You're working in a group on a project and the other members are talking about something off-topic. What do you say to the other group members?

Let's get back to work; we have to finish before class ends


Joe walked down the aisles looking at his list. All he needed was bread, milk, and eggs. Where was Joe?

At the grocery store


The clouds were thick and Andrew could barely see. He wouldn't be able to relax until he landed the plane.

What is Andrew's job?

He is a pilot


The children could hardly wait. They lit their sparklers. The fireworks would start any minute.

When did this happen?

The 4th of July


I told my brother to break a leg before his big solo at the spring concert.

What does "break a leg" mean?

Wish him good luck
Someone is talking to you about a topic you're not interested in - what do you do?

Listen politely and ask a few questions to show interest. Then excuse yourself or gradually shift the topic.


Jeff's teammates cheered loudly when he hit a home run in the ninth inning. They ended up winning the game. Where was Jeff?

At the baseball field


Yesterday, Sam's forecast was absolutely right. She hoped she would have as much luck predicting the temperature changes in the future.

What is Sam's job?

She is a weather person

The apple and pumpkin pies were sitting on the kitchen table. Robert kept checking the turkey. The mashed potatoes, corn, and stuffing were all ready.

When did this happen?



After practicing her spelling words all weekend, Katie was ready to throw in the towel, but she kept practicing because she wanted to get 100%.

What does "throw in the towel" mean?

Give up


Cindy told Felicia that her new outfit was really weird looking and that she should probably return it to the store. What impression was Cindy making? What should Cindy have said instead?

Felicia was thinking it was rude for Cindy to make that comment.


Carly was talking loudly when she was asked to be quiet. Other people were reading and concentrating.

Where was Carly?

At the library


After Barbara took their order and their menus, she asked the busboy to bring water and hot rolls to their table.

What is Barbara's job?

She is a waitress


Tony lit the candles on Lena's cake as everyone jumped up and yelled "Surprise!".

When did this happen?

At a surprise birthday party


Ken's sister told him that his mom was planning a surprise birthday party for him tomorrow. When he asked his mom about it, she said "Who let the cat out of the bag?". 

What does "let the cat out of the bag" mean?

Tell a secret


Sandra told the group exactly what each person was going to do for the project and wouldn't let anyone share their ideas. She told everyone that her ideas would get them an A. What impression is Sandra making on the group?

The group is thinking that Sandra is being bossy and making all the decisions.
