Is it Inferencing?
Out of Context! Get a clue!
What's the big idea?
Is there a Theme?
Anything goes!

Micah is having a birthday party on Saturday. All of the kids were talking about it on their way to recess. "It's going to be the best party ever!! Everyone is invited!... except Rylee. Rylee isn't cool enough to hang out with us!" 

Micah didn't know that Rylee was standing behind him and heard the conversation. Rylee looked at Micah and kindly said, "I thought you were my friend." and walked off with tears in her eyes. Micah hung his head down in shame. 

What can you infer about Micah?

He felt bad about what hurting Rylee's feelings. 


Fox swished his tail boastfully, or with pride as walked past Rabbit. 

What type of context clue is used in the above sentence?

synonym. It gives the word, and then says "or" and then uses another meaning for the word, which is a synonym. 


Bananas are a great source of potassium. Potassium is a mineral that helps keeps your muscles working. Potassium comes from the food you eat. Bananas have 450mg of potassium. 

What is the main idea of the paragraph?

Bananas are a great source of potassium. 


What is the definition of theme?

The central message, or lesson/moral that the reader can learn from the character. 


What is a context clue?

Clues found in the text that help you to figure out what a word means. 


"4 Laps. That's it. 1 down. It's just me and the finish line. If I run hard for the last 3 laps, I can kick it hard on the last 100 Meters. I want so badly to score a personal best today. I just have to keep a steady pace. Okay, now! Kick it in! This is the final lap!" 

What can you infer?

The passage was about a runner that was running in a race. They were pushing themselves to be better and stronger.


"My father grabbed the ball and sailed it across the field, hitting home plate. 

What does the word sailed mean?

flew rapidly


There are three main groups of rocks. These groups are sedimentary, igneous, and metamorphic. Each of the three groups of rocks are formed differently, but are apart of the rock cycle. 

What is the main idea of the text?

There are three main groups of rocks. 


Jolee had a big project to do. She didn't want to do, so she pretended like she didn't know how to do it. Her mom helped her do it. The next day, she didn't want to do her math homework, she so copied her answers off of John's paper. Then, she did the same thing during Reading and copied all of the answers from Sierra's paper. 

Finally Friday came around. It was time to present her project. She couldn't explain it because her mom did most of the work on it, Jolee had just colored it. Then, she had a math quiz. She failed her quiz because she didn't know how to solve the problems. Then, she got back her score on the reading questions that she had copied and she had copied the wrong answers down and made a 0. Jolee knew she had made a big mistake when she cheated on her work. 

What is the theme of the passage?

Cheating is never the answer and it won't get you anywhere but in trouble. When you cheat, you are not learning anything. 


What is an inference?

an inference is a conclusion made based on using information from the text and prior knowledge. "an Educated guess" based on textual evidence and schema


"Run! Hurry! Get out of here! Now! I saw a bear!" Screamed Melissa as she ran as fast as she could through the hiking trail. 

Could "Melissa is scared because she saw a bear." be  an inference that could be made? why or why not?

Yes! The text did not explicitly say that Melissa was scared, but the reader could use their prior knowledge to draw a conclusion that seeing a bear while hiking in the woods would be scary!


In 1980, Mt. Saint Helen erupted. The volcano had been dormant, or quiet for as long as anyone could remember. Many people in Washington State lived near the mountain. Visitors came to enjoy its rugged beauty. 

What does the word dormant mean?



My name is Martha Mae Who and I should be elected your class president because I will get the job done. I am good at problem solving. If something is slacking in our school, I am not afraid to go straight to the principal and asked for change. I can count higher and read faster than any of the other 4th graders. When it comes time to vote, ask yourself, do I want someone that can get the job done? If you can answer yes to that question, then vote Martha Mae Who for your class President and I'll get the job done right!

What is the main idea?

 Martha Mae Who is running for class President and if elected, will get the job done. 


It didn't work the first time, 

and I wanted to just quit. 

But my father taught me better, 

so I gave it another hit. 

Failing two times is difficult,

and three times even more.

But worth it on the my fourth try, 

when I finally got the score. 

What is the theme of the poem?

If at first you don't succeed, try again. 


What is the definition of Main Idea?

Main idea is what the text is MOSTLY about, the main point 


Jamie was in the corner of the cafeteria crying. Once again he had been bullied by Alec. "One day that Alec is going to get what he deserves!" muttered Jamie as he slammed his tray down on the table. 

Could I infer that Jamie was being bullied by Alec 

No! The text EXPLICITLY stated that Jamie was being bullied by Alec. An inference uses information not explicitly stated in the text and prior knowledge to draw a conclusion. 


The heat from the core melts the rock that makes up the mantle. the molten rock, called magma, seeps up through the crust. When magma reaches the surface, it becomes lava. The lava builds, along with ash and rock. When this happens, a volcano forms. 

What is magma?

molten rock


blitz           field goal 

tackle         2-point conversion

pass           touchdown

score          deep pass

What is the main idea of the words listed?

Types of plays in Football


She appears to have it all, with fancy clothes and sparkling jewels. But beneath her lip-glossed smile, hides a world of hurt and pain. surrounds by a hundred guests at a lavished party in her honor, she's never felt more alone. 

You never know what someone is feeling on the inside, even if they appear to have it all together on the outside. 


What is schema?

Prior knowledge, or background knowledge. It's what you already know


Freddie was running late. He knew he would get in trouble if he was counted tardy. He was almost there when he heard the bell. "Guess mom will be getting another call soon."

What can you infer about where Freddie is going?

Freddie is going to school. 


Wind is another cause of erosion. As wind blows across the land, it picks up particles, or very small pieces, of sand and soil and moves them go different locations. Some particles contribute to the creation of new natural formations. But particles can also wear away existing landforms. 

Based on the text above, what does the word particle mean?

very small pieces


The Mid-Atlantic ridge is very important to the study of plate tectonics. Molten rock from the Earth's mantle pushes up through the surface at the Mid-Atlantic ridge. The rock cools and forms new sections of crust on the ocean floor. The ocean floor has to make room for the new crust. To make enough room, the ocean floor must spread out. As a result, the earth's plates shift. Even though you can't feel it, North and South America are actually moving away fro Europe and Africa. This movement is called continental drift. 

Which of the following is the main idea?

a. The mid-atlantic ridge is a part of the global mid-ocean ridge.

b. Because of continental drift, the Pacific Ocean is growing smaller. 

c. New sections of crust are formed by molten rock from the mantle. 

d. The mid-antlantic ridge is important to understanding continental drift.

d. The mid-antlantic ridge is important to understanding continental drift.


One day, Rabbit frolicked down the dirt path towards Owl's home. "Owl!" Rabbit called, but no response. "Owl, are you home?" Rabbit hopped on down the road. He came to his next friend's house, Fox. "Fox, are you home? Hello?" but once again, no answer. Rabbit was beginning to get sad, but he hopped along to the next house. "Bear!? Hello? Are you home? It's my birthday and I really want to spend it with my friends!" Still, no response. Now, Rabbit was getting furious. "I guess its true. I have no friends. No one cares about me. Here it is my birthday and not a single friend to share it with!" 

Finally, Raccoon passed by. Rabbit got mad all over again. "Here it is my birthday and you don't care! Some friend you are! Racoon said Oh, Rabbit, you have me all wrong. Come on, I have something to show you." So Rabbit slowly hopped and followed Raccoon to the big hole in the old Oak tree. Rabbit popped his head in the hole, "SURPRISE!!!" Every was there. They played games, sang songs, and shot off cannons loaded with confetti. "All of this for me?!" Said Rabbit in shock. "Of course" said Raccoon. "We are your friends. We would never miss an opportunity to celebrate you!" Rabbit knew then that he had been a fool. He hugged his friends and thanked them for the wonderful party gifts, promising never to doubt them again. 

Things are not always as they seem

True friend will always be there for you


What is the difference between Main Idea and Theme?

The theme is the moral or lesson that a character learns. It is the over-arcing (central) message. Theme is universal and can be found in our texts and stories. The main idea is what the text is mostly about and is specific to that text. 
