Jasmine did not want to go, but Ginger was clearly very excited.  It was rainy out, so Jasmine put on her raincoat and her rain boots while Ginger waited impatiently by the door.  Finally, Jasmine grabbed the leash and out they went.

What can you infer about Ginger?  What makes you think so? 

Ginger is a dog.

Tyler's temper-tantrum was in full swing.  He wailed loudly, screaming, "Mine! Mine! Mine!"

"Sorry," Mom said to the cashier, as she took the candy bar away from Tyler and put it back on the shelf, "two is such a difficult age."

Why is Tyler upset?

He did not get the candy bar.


"How on earth do people eat with these things?  Can't I just ask for a fork?" Matty asked.

"Try holding them like this," his father suggested. "You'll get better with practice."

What is Matty trying to do?

eat with chopsticks


Fred swam around in circles.  Then he noticed some food floating nearby, so he ate it.  After that, he hid in his castle for a while.  Then, he came out and swam around in circles some more.

Where does Fred live?

In a fishbowl or aquarium


"Oh no, my ring is missing!" said mom in a panic.

"When did you have it last?" Dad asked.

"Well," replied Mom, "I took it off and put it by the sink while I was doing the dishes, but it isn't there now."

What do you think happened to Mom's ring?

The ring went down the drain.


"I hate this stuff," Sophia complained during art class.  "It gets all over everything, and the top always gets clogged so it won't come out."

"You can borrow mine, I have the stick kind."

What are Sophia and Jake talking about?



"Okay...one...two...three."  Dad said.  

No one moved.  Dad looked at the small screen in front of him.  "Pretty good, but Janie's eyes are closed.  Let's try it again.  Everyone ready?"

What is dad doing?

Taking a picture


The band played music while the cheerleaders cheered for the team at the 50 yard line.  The stands were filled with fans watching the game.  Where are they?

At a football game.


As soon as Aleena saw the menu, she knew exactly what she wanted to drink.  When her steaming cup came, she tasted a spoonful of whipped cream before taking a sip of her yummy, sweet drink.

What do you think is in Aleena's cup?

Hot chocolate


People giggled and pointed at her feet. She didn’t understand until she looked down. She turned red with embarrassment. She realized she should not have gotten dressed in the dark.

Why shouldn’t she have gotten dressed in the dark? 

Her shoes don't match


RJ liked the first pair better, but they were a little uncomfortable.  The second pair wasn't as cool, but they fit much better.   He decided to buy the second pair because he would be wearing them nearly every day.

What do you think RJ is buying?



"Cannonball!" Clark yelled.

Suddenly, Mackenzie, her towel, and the magazine she was reading were soaking wet.  She picked up her soggy belongings and stomped off toward the exit.

Where is Mackenzie?

at the pool


"Thanks for cleaning off the whiteboard, Joey," said Mrs. Moore.  

"Sure thing," Joey replied as he grabbed his backpack and headed out the door. "See you tomorrow morning."

Where do you think Joey and Mrs. Moore are?

Classroom or school


Three-year-old Emmy was crying and pointing to something in the sky.  Mom looked up.  "It's okay, we can get you another one," she said.  "This time, I'll tie it to your wrist."

What was Emmy pointing at?

a balloon


They weren't on the hook by the phone and they weren't in her purse.  Mrs. Moore checked the pockets of the jacket she'd wore the day before, but they weren't there either.  She looked at her watch and realized she would be late for work if she didn't leave soon.

What is Mrs. Moore looking for?



"Well, what do you think?" Iria asked.

"Wow, it's really short!  You look like a whole different person," Trevor replied.

"I wanted something really different.  I've had the same style my whole life."

What are Trevor and Iria talking about?

her new haircut


The room was a mess! Pots and pans were piled in the sink. Drawers and cabinets were flung open. Chocolate chips dotted the floor and empty cartons were on a sticky counter, but the smell was delicious.

Why was the room a mess?

Someone made cookies


The girl saved all her money. It was exactly what she wanted. She imagined gliding down the road pedaling effortlessly. She finally had enough money to make her dream come true.

What was her dream? 

To buy a bike


How will I ever decide? Look at all the different types.  Candy canes, m&ms, sour straws.  I could get a bag and fill it up with all different types.  Where am I?

A candy store.

Julia turned off the lights and everyone ran to find a place to hide.  Antonio hid under the table where everyone had hidden their presents.  He peeked out and saw the front door start to open.

What will happen next?

They will yell, "Surprise!" (surprise party)
