Yummy Food
Holidays Around the World
100 something that you conclude based on evidence and your own knowledge.
Main Idea is....
The central idea in a piece of writing
To give the main points of a passage is...
When you put "two and two together" or "read between the lines"
Main Idea Formula
The Subject + What the Author Says = Main Idea
(See Picture) What can you infer from the picture? A. Cats have their own houses and rule B. Cats must sleep in a sleeping bag to be able to get a good nights sleep. C. These cat's owner likes to pretend these cats are dolls
C. These cat's owner likes to pretend these cats are dolls
1 cup butter, softened 1 cup white sugar 1 cup packed brown sugar 2 eggs 2 teaspoons vanilla extract 3 cups all-purpose flour 1 teaspoon baking soda 2 teaspoons hot water 1/2 teaspoon salt 2 cups semisweet chocolate chips Using your inferencing skills, what is this?
a recipe
The main reason for going to school is... A. The school lunches are great B. you get to play outside C. you learn how to read, write & do math D. you have a lot of sharp pencils
C. you learn how to read, write & do math
(See Picture) What can you infer from this picture?
The NY Giants were so excited to win the super bowl
Somebody Wanted But So Then What does each part of the Summarizing Strategy mean?
SOMEBODY: (The Main Character or Subject) WANTED: What does the character want or need in the passage? (Deals with the problem) BUT: What gets in the way of the character or subject getting what they need? SO THEN: What do they do about it?
What are the three places the main idea can be?
1. The beginning, perhaps the first sentence. 2. The end, perhaps the last sentence. 3. Not stated but implied through all the sentences
Have you ever had an icecream sundae? I hope so because they are delicious. Thats not the only way you can eat icecream. Icecream is a food that you can eat in many different ways. You can put it in a cone, in a cup, on a brownie, or even in a milkshake. Give the main idea and 2 supporting details
Main Idea: There are many different ways to eat ice cream Supporting Details: You can eat in in a cup, cone, or in a milkshake.
hip hop dance, ballet, Jazz, Tap, What is the main idea?
Juan loves to play games. His favorite game is chess because it requires a great deal of thought. Juan also likes to play less demanding board games that are based mostly on luck. He prefers Monopoly because it requires luck and skill. If he’s alone, Juan likes to play action video games as long as they aren’t too violent. Give the main idea & 3 supporting details.
Main Idea: Juan loves to play games Supporting Details: He likes to play chess, Board games, video games and Monopoly.
(See Picture) Holiday: Running of the Bulls, July 6–14 What can you infer from this picture? A. Bulls like to play hid-and-seek B. People climbed up high so that the bulls would not reach them C. The bull wanted to give everyone a hug D. The Running of the Bulls can be a dangerous event
B. People climbed up high so that the bulls would not reach them
A cable guy was working at a house drilling when he heard a growl. To his surprise, a fuzzy, brown animal was coming towards him. The animal growled, upset because his sleep being disturbed. He rose on his back legs and swatted his clawed paw at the cable guy. The cable guy, scared to death, turned and ran out of the basement. Infer! What animal is this? Use the three steps of inferencing
What I read:the animal is brown, fuzzy, growls, has paws and claws What I know:bears have fuzzy fur, can be brown, like to sleep in dark places like a basement, and they have paws with claws What I infer: It is a bear!
cheesecake, cake, cupcakes, cookies, apple pie What is the main idea?
Everyone was eating smores cooked over campfire. The stars shone brightly above as we looked outside the window of our tent. Sandy stayed inside the tent because she didn't want to get bitten by bugs. Use the 3 steps of inferencing to tell what these people are doing.
n an age where women did not have too many opportunities to get involved in sports, Jackie Mitchell did the unthinkable: she became a professional baseball pitcher. In 1931, at the age of 17, Mitchell was signed to a contract by the Double-A Chattanooga Lookouts. That right there is pretty inspirational. But it gets a lot better. In her very first week with the Lookouts, Mitchell had to go up against the mighty New York Yankees in an exhibition game. This of course meant she would be facing baseball legends Lou Gehrig and Babe Ruth. All Jackie Mitchell did was strike them both out. Back to back. Summarize this story using the SOMEBODY/WANTED/BUT/SO THEN Strategy
Somebody: Jackie Mitchell Wanted: To play professional baseball But: Not many women were involved in sports So Then: Jackie got signed to the Lookouts and struck out both Babe Ruth and Lou Gehrig
(see picture) What is the main idea of this photo?
Police hunted down 51 exotic animals early Wednesday that had been let loose in Zanesville, Ohio. The county sheriff is not absolutely sure, but he told reporters he thinks only a grizzly bear, mountain lion and a monkey are still roaming free. Residents are advised to stay indoor until all the animals are accounted for. Where is the main idea?
First sentence
I love the rush of going down hill at fast speeds and then up again. The feeling of almost flying is well worth the wait. Sometimes we go upside down other times in a loop. I always make sure to make a funny face for the camera and run off the ride to see how it turned out. Using the 3 steps of inferencing what hobby is the above paragraph talking about?
What I read: riding at fast speeds up and down hill, you have to wait in a line, and your picture is taken. What I know: Roller coasters go fast and up and down hills, you have to stand in a line, and often your picture is taken. What I infer: The main character is riding a roller coaster
Benjamin Franklin invented many things that made life easier in the late 1700’s. He invented the lightning rod that saved many homes from fires. He also invented the Franklin stove. The stove could heat a room better than a fireplace and saved people a lot of fuel. He also invented a special kind of glasses called bifocals. This new kind of glasses helped people to read better. Give the main idea & 3 supporting details.
Main Idea: Benjamin Franklin Invented many things that made life easier in the 1700's He invented the lightning rod, Franklin stove, and bifocal glasses.
South African Natalie du Toit was a promising swimmer on the verge of making her first Olympic games in when, in 2001, she lost her left leg below the knee after an auto accident. Amazingly, the amputation of this swimmer’s leg didn’t stop her. Not only has Natalie dominated the Paralympic summer games (winning a total of 10 gold medals in 2004 and 2008); she also still competes against able-bodied swimmers. In 2003, she won gold in the 800 meter freestyle at the All-Africa Games. Then, in 2008, Natalie finally achieved her goal of qualifying for the Summer Olympics. She competed and finished 16th in the women’s 10km race. What is the Main Idea of this story?
Natalie du Toit didn't give up even though she lost her leg in a car accident.
(See picture) Holi: India, March Named the Festival of Color, the main highlight of Holi festival is joyous celebrations of smearing each other with bright colored powders and water, without regard to social status such as race or gender. The holiday celebrates the end of winter and the beginning of spring. People exchange greetings, young people pay respect to the elders by sprinkling some colors on their feet, elders distribute money and sweets, and everyone joins in dancing. Summarize this passage
Festival of Color is a festival where everyone participates in throwing colorful powder at each other to celebrate the end of winter.