Diabetes and Dynamics
Airway Woes
Too Hot to Digest
Shock and Awe
Urine Big Trouble Now

This condition is characterized by extremely high glucose levels, profound dehydration, increased serum osmolality, and is typically seen in type II DM patients. 

What is Hyperglycemic Hyperosmolar State (HHS)?


This medical condition causes non-cardiac pulmonary edema and disruption of the aveolar-capillary membrane from injury to pulmonary vasculature or airway.

What is Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS)?


This medical condition is characterized by digestive enzymes becoming prematurely activated causing autodigestion. 

What is pancreatitis?


Epinephrine and Benadryl are 2 common treatments options for this type of distributive shock.

What is Anaphylatic Shock?


This common test mirrors the structural integrity of the kidney.

What is a urine analysis?


This is the most common cause of hypoglycemia in diabetic patients.

What is excessive administration of insulin or oral antidiabetic agent.


This PaO2/FiO2 ratio would be classified as severe ARDS.

What is a p/f ratio <100.


These 2 lab test would be done to confirm the diagnosis of pancreatitis.

What are Amylase and Lipase?


These 2 factors are the common denominator in all shock states.

What is decreased cellular and tissue perfusion?


This type of kidney injury is characterized by glucose and protein in the urine as a result of damage to the basement membrane.

What is intrarenal injury?


Fats rapidly converting to glucose for energy when insulin is deficient is the characteristic of this medical condition.

What is diabetic ketoacidosis?


This intervention for ARDS increases perfusion to non-dependent parts of the lungs and improves V/Q mismatch and shunting.

What is prone positioning?


These 2 factors are the leading causes of pancreatitis.

What are gallstones and alcoholism?


The interruption or loss of sympathetic innervation in neurogenic shock is typically caused by these factors.

What is spinal cord injury or disease, high levels of spinal anesthesia, pain/stress, or drugs?


These serum lab values are most commonly used as an indicator of renal function.

What are creatinine clearance, blood urea nitrogen, and creatinine?


This measurement indicates the filling pressure in the right atrium and represents right sided preload.

What is Central Venous Pressure (CVP).


These insults occur in the body, mediators are transmitted via the blood to the lungs and cause this type of injury.

What is indirect injury?


Lipase, in it's active form, leads to the necrosis of fat. This necrotic fat binds to this electrolyte.

What is ionized calcium?


This phase of shock is characterized by reduced CO and CI, and increased SVR due to profound hypotension, intense vasoconstriction, and decreased venous return.

What is Hypodynamic (Cold) Phase?


A urethral obstruction would cause this type of acute kidney injury.

What is post-renal injury?


This measurement helps to evaluate left ventricular function (LVEDP), fluid status, and pulmonary hypertension.

What is Pulmonary Artery Wedge Pressure (PAWP)?


These 4 conditions are the most common factors for developing ARDS.

What is:

1. Sepsis

2. Pneumonia

3. Trauma

4. Aspiration of gastric contents


These are the four types of pancreatic islet cell types.

What are:

1. Alpha cells - produce glucagon

2. Beta cells - insulin

3. Delta cells - somatostatin

4. PP Cells - pancreatic polypeptide


This Class of hypovolemic shock is characterized by volume loss of 1500-2000mL (30 - 40%), cool clammy skin, elevated lactate - metabolic acidosis, and hypotension and tachycardia.

What is Class III hypovolemic shock?


The ability to increase or decrease the glomerular blood flow through selective dilatation and constriction

What is autoregulation mechanism of glomerular filtration rate.
