Pre 1950

This 1937 film was the first full-length animated feature film and set up its studio for future animation success.

What is Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs?


This 1965 musical about a nun influenced musical film production through the use of on-location shooting and lavish production values.

What is The Sound of Music?


This 1977 sci-fi classic revolutionized special effects, introduced the idea of film franchises, and popularized merchandising as a major source of revenue. 

What is Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope?


This 1995 first entirely computer animated film set a standard for future animated films and established Pixar as a leader in animation.

What is Toy Story?


This 2009 film revolutionized 3D filmmaking and motion capture technology, becoming the highest-grossing film of all time and showcasing the future of CGI-heavy filmmaking. 

What is Avatar?


This 1933 film about an ape used stop-motion and rear projection which was a special effects milestone and paved the way for future creature creatures.

What is King Kong?


This 1968 Stanley Kubrick film changed the perception of the sci-fi genre with its philosophical depth, realistic space scenes, and pioneering special effects. 

What was 2001: A Space Odyssey?


This 1975 movie pioneered the summer blockbuster model with its intense suspense and iconic soundtrack changing the way films were marketed and released. 

What is Jaws?


This 1999 movie revolutionized action sequences and visual effects with its “bullet time” slow-motion scenes and philosophical depth 

What is The Matrix?


This 2018 film was a cultural phenomenon that broke new ground for African representation in Hollywood, demonstrating the power of diversity in blockbuster filmmaking. 

What is Black Panther?


This 1941 film featured innovative techniques in cinematography (deep focus and unusual angles) and has influenced generations of film makers. 

What is Citizen Kane?


This 1960 Hitchcock film revolutionized the horror genre with its psychological tension and unexpected plot twists.

What is Psycho?


This 1976 film became a cultural icon and a major success in the sports genre, spawning a series of sequels and making the underdog sports story a staple of American cinema. 

What is Rocky?


This 1997 movie was a monumental box office success raising the bar for epic storytelling and special effects in historical drama through its groundbreaking CGI and visual effects.

What is the Titanic?


This 2019 film was a critical and commercial success that became the first non-English-language film to win Best Picture at the Oscars, influencing the global acceptance of international cinema. 

What is Parasite?


This film from 1915 was groundbreaking in narrative storytelling, but revitalized the Ku Klux Klan and introduce cross burning as a part of hate speech.

What is The Birth of a Nation?


This classic 1962 film, known for its stunning cinematography, influenced large-scale productions and the use of the widescreen format.

What is Lawrence of Arabia?


This 1972 film redefined the gangster genre with its complex characters, narrative depth, and stylish cinematography leaving a lasting impact on crime films and mainstream filmmaking. 

What is The Godfather?


This 1994 Tarantino film, known for its non-linear storytelling, memorable dialogue, and stylistic violence, redefined indie cinema and influenced a generation of filmmakers.  

What is Pulp Fiction?


This 2015 film is known for its practical effects, dynamic stunts, and visual storytelling. It influenced how action films can be both artistically ambitious and commercially successful. 

What is Mad Max: Fury Road?


This was the first feature length film to use synchronized dialogue.

What is The Jazz Singer?


This 1967 film, based on a true story, ended with what known as "one of the bloodiest death scenes in cinematic history".

What is Bonnie and Clyde?


This 1982 Ridley Scott film introduced the concept of cyberpunk to modern audiences and still influences visual aesthetics and narrative structure in modern sci-fi 

What is Blade Runner?


This 1999 film popularized the "found footage" genre and showed how viral marketing could drive success for a low-budget film. 

What is The Blair Witch Project?


This 2017 Jordan Peele film is a landmark film that blended social commentary with horror, reshaping the genre and sparking conversations about race relations in mainstream film. 

What is Get Out?
